If you are uncollected were you able to complete this month's UC quest?

Just something to discuss how difficult/easy the event was
If you are uncollected were you able to complete this month's UC quest? 207 votes
Last months was easy, ronan and win....Modok or thanos were the hardest UC EQ months.
My original prediction based on casual observation before fighting her was that Uncollected Emma would not surpass Uncollected Guillotine as the hardest Uncollected boss setting aside the special case of Thanos. Having fully explored Uncollected, my opinion hasn't changed. The unblockable version of Uncollected Guillotine is still the UC boss that I think was the hardest in intrinsic difficulty.
I think you really needed the right champ for Omega Red. I ended up using OG Vision. But I think Emma had way more counters than most people really gave her credit for. I ended up using Blade. Blade was great because his regen was a double benefit: you could take a lot of block damage, which means you didn't need perfect timing for the special attacks: you could just stand there and block the first part of SP1 and then try to evade the second part. And because Blade's healing draws power, you could use that to keep Emma in Telepath mode while constantly attacking.
It was a cake walk.
1st of all I want to congratulate you on having your 2nd account as uncollected even with 4/40s. Danger sense is not the only and everything. Blade is virtually useless in many situations. Just saying.
My 6* Yondu would solo Emma. Block the first part of the SP1, evade, attack, repeat.
Vision and Void worked really well for Omega. Vision would simply parry, combo, SP1, repeat. Long fight with a 4*, but still very doable.
A total of 5 or 6 team revives to get through the first pass, only a couple single revives for full explore after that.
My plan is always to practice. So, if I can't take down these hard bosses with all my champs then I just quit, I dont bother with reviving (unless they are on little health). I'll repeat my method until I can kill these sorts of bosses without reviving basically. With Emma, it took me a while to differentiate when she dashes forward or throws her sp1 - shes doesnt always comply. Once i figured it out, I could more or less solo her or come close to it. I used 4 star champs and 1 5 star (GR). Starky and Hyperion were the most efficient.
Just practice if you have the patience. You'll be fine eventually.
I got up to Emma without really any issue, and then she utterly destroyed my entire team. As in, didn't even get a hit on her embarrassing. Just completely demoralizing, never wanted to rage quit as much as that.
Then I ran Heroic. Then I ran Master. Then I did the Epic Uncanny rooms. Then I went back and tried UC Emma once more, and, while it was rough, I got through her. Subsequent runs were much better.
Then I hit UC OR, and basically one shot him with SL. Only one out of the 7 runs was rough.