Corvus and cold snap

Why is my Corvus Glaive dying by cold snap all of a sudden?
I just cost my alliance a kill and myself 300 units because of this bug. Am I missing something?
The fight had just started and my glaive charges were well in tact.
I just cost my alliance a kill and myself 300 units because of this bug. Am I missing something?
The fight had just started and my glaive charges were well in tact.
Try also dueling an iceman and see if this happens again
There was an iceman mini here
No issue with the duel. Is it this node in war that bypasses, or was it a glitch?
i think the 47 damage tick is your LC
No issue with the duel. That damage is the poison.
My issue is that cold snap ignores corvus’ immunity on the mini boss node when I brought him in specifically for that node
I only used Corvus to build 3 charges because I brought him in for this fight. Between 70 and 80% health and very confident against iceman. Was a high rank, high sig, so I’d lost half my health before he even touched me