Golden Symbiod master level

So does this boss have a bug? I just played him for the first time and the node buffs say nothing of being debuff immune, but you cant stun him or make him bleed. Is this a known issue?
I am not understanding how that could keep him from being stunned when it said i got parry on him or keep him from bleeding when using Blade's SP1 or Sabretooth's SP1?
Well i didn't know that. Any other champions besides blade will work?
Not true, the one not debuff immune is probably the yellow mutant symbioid/adaptoid. You should have gotten ambushed in act 4 maestro by a golden adaptoid with the same debuff immune and evade as this one.
The 1* symbiod with true strike boost and second wind boost
Good news its only 1-2 revs depending on your potion use and after you can head straight to Symbiote Supreme, cry your eyes out after an accidental dexterity, slaughter him in a fit of revenge, and then come back to 2.1 Goldie and promptly WHOOP HIM
2.1 master and up. He’s the boss. Yeah the 22% evade everything, full immunity, and now he puts you on a timer. I call him Goldie
How did you miss him haha. He's the boss of EQ 2.1
I mean....good Fight, but you're also using a 6* R2 Cable. Lol.
Black Widow has AAR. She can't be Parried often times.