Anyone else getting parry issues?
For some odd reason I can no longer parry effectively. I have tried in many different events, AQ, AW, and event quests and I can't parry to save my life. Even the starting of the fight, even if I hold block or try to parry, the defender still hits me. Like it overrides the blocking or even getting parried. And during in game fights, I can't be missing all my parriesm seems like there is a bug not registering them or I've been off for two weeks. Just wondering if anyone else was having this issues. Also other issues I've faced have bee.n some Champ's special seem to have a larger range when doing higher level quests. Again, maybe it is just me. But let me know if anyone else has these issues. Thank you
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I noticed this also
I've noticed this as well but not because parry is not working. It's because the AI no longer attacks as soon as fights start 100% of the time, there are times when they briefly pause before attacking.
If you see the word "parry" on the screen, but the opponent isn't getting stunned, that has absolutely nothing to do with what the other people in this thread are talking about, and is not a bug at all.
Again, not a bug and not what everyone else here is talking about.
Not a bug, he is unstunnable during unstoppable.
But yeah, the parry at the start of the fight doesn't work anymore (block), and the dashback parry is out too (get hit). Parries from dash-ins are still accurate, but a framedrop mid-dash will often make me block because I time a parry, but the opponent arrives later because of the framedrop.
Dex has the exact same issues. It's all performance related. But what do you expect if models of your champs are rendered twice?
For the record, my parries are (now) working just fine.