I will get season rewards right?
I left my previous alliance while I was on holiday and I had a break from the grind but I joined a new alliance and attack phase has just started in my 5th war with this alliance.
I should get season rewards, correct?
The reason I'm asking is because everyone in my alliance can see what bracket and rank we are but I can't.
I just see this
I should get season rewards, correct?
The reason I'm asking is because everyone in my alliance can see what bracket and rank we are but I can't.
I just see this
Is it 5 wars in a row? Or 5 total?
To get season rewards-
Participate in 5 wars (place defense at least) through out the season without having left the current alliance.
Participate in 5 consecutive wars at the end of season.
Stay with alliance until rewards are handed out.
You can't have-
Left and came back and not have played in 5 wars.
It's not hard to understand you need 5 with the same alliance in the season and you need to stay with them until you get the rewards if not then you get nothing.
If you joined to late then you get nothing.
War (today)
Cut off
Past 2 weeks meaning ( if they did the max per week) if you joined with a week left or were kicked or left then you get nothing.
This. You need to participate in a minimum of 5 Wars within the Season. If you leave the Ally, you reset the counter to 0 again, and need to do another 5.