I got parried today....

While applying a heavy.
I would usually laugh it off, and say just another Kabam bug. But it happened in war, and it came at the expense of a champ. It didn't have an effect on the outcome of the war, but it could next time.
It was a stun-immune bleed node with Cable. I had GR, and mid way into applying the heavy, I was stunned. 5-hit combo later, I was KO'd. I was irate.
Any others experiencing odd in-game applications or mechanics that are not typical?
I would usually laugh it off, and say just another Kabam bug. But it happened in war, and it came at the expense of a champ. It didn't have an effect on the outcome of the war, but it could next time.
It was a stun-immune bleed node with Cable. I had GR, and mid way into applying the heavy, I was stunned. 5-hit combo later, I was KO'd. I was irate.
Any others experiencing odd in-game applications or mechanics that are not typical?
Maybe I should read up more on it. I didn't understand it completely I assume.
It doesn't sound like you do. Stand your ground basically gives a percentage chance for blocks to work against heavy attacks by preventing the heavy from breaking the block. Ghost Rider's heavy does that multiple sweep thing, so if Cable decided to block in the middle of your heavy, if the first sweep missed and the second sweep made contact it is possible the block became a well-timed block, SYG prevented the heavy from breaking the block, and Parry turned the well-timed block into a stun. Given what you've said so far, that's entirely possible within the normal functioning of the masteries.
And that is why I already addressed in this post that I need to read up on it. I already stated that I didn't.
I understand it can happen at the start of a
Heavy but there have been times where my heavy makes contact and then get parried in the middle.
It happens like this....
I Parry, then i heavy, half way through my heavy the stun expires and i get parried mid way through my heavy even though the first part made contact.
Same as NC evading midway through a heavy.
agreed bro
This is what happened to me.
i am sure they are only supposed to be able to parry with the first hi of a heavy that makes contact.
i think it is a bug to do with stun expiring...
say you have a heavy that is 4 hits..
hits 1 and 2 make contact while the opponent is stunned.
they become un stunned before hit 3 makes contact there is then a chance for them to parry hit 3.
i dont think it is supposed to work like this.
i also didnt think NC was supposed to be able to evade mid heavy.
but he does the same.
I've already submitted a bug report about this issue here:
From the looks of things, it would make sense that the right combination of SYG, Heavy, and Parry can also trigger this bug. Essentially, recovering from a stun refreshes the champion and leaves them able to activate moves they wouldn't otherwise be able to do (like block or evade) due to being on the receiving end of a series of attacks.
Some have claimed that this isn't a bug, but as you'll see in the post, none have been able to produce any evidence to support their stance.
I've been unsuccessful in getting a moderator to comment on the issue. Perhaps more posts on the subject in the thread could get their attention.