Bleed global tweaks

I wanna start off by saying i really like the global idea. Having said that i feel its too far. A total immunity to bleed is ridiculous and impacts alot of r4 + champs. Really seems like a lazy way to nerf blade. I get wanting to mix things up but to hit gp,aa,blade (although he will still have ds),domino etc in one swoop is just tgat bit too far again.
A global node should make fights harder with attack boosts or maybe role reversal. Not to make slot if champs redundant. You have just buffed carnage for example and now he is useless again.
The problem with a bleed immune is that your taking away alot of utility tgat players strategise to get. For example with despair that can actually tackle an arc node with bleed stacks. Also same with people who use the resonate mastery.
If u wanna hit bleeders then dont totally shoot them down. Make the node takes no damage from bleed maybe instead of bleed immune. Make the bleed still show as a debuff but they take no damage. This means it is an attack nerf on bleeders. They can still get the interactions from the masteries,champs like carnage would still get the power gain and aa.
Also champs like x-23 and elektra who get armour break or the fury type buff if against a none bleed, dont get it againt bleed immune nodes if i remember correctly. Seems like it hits too many champs for a global node.
A global node should make fights harder with attack boosts or maybe role reversal. Not to make slot if champs redundant. You have just buffed carnage for example and now he is useless again.
The problem with a bleed immune is that your taking away alot of utility tgat players strategise to get. For example with despair that can actually tackle an arc node with bleed stacks. Also same with people who use the resonate mastery.
If u wanna hit bleeders then dont totally shoot them down. Make the node takes no damage from bleed maybe instead of bleed immune. Make the bleed still show as a debuff but they take no damage. This means it is an attack nerf on bleeders. They can still get the interactions from the masteries,champs like carnage would still get the power gain and aa.
Also champs like x-23 and elektra who get armour break or the fury type buff if against a none bleed, dont get it againt bleed immune nodes if i remember correctly. Seems like it hits too many champs for a global node.
He wint get the armour breaks if he works like x-23. Unless im mistaken she only gets that against bleed immune champs and not if the bleed immune is from a node. And even then i thougt his power gain was related to blood but could be wrong. That is only one champ though. Still think it impacts way to many champs for a global node. Especially in war. Its the top end content that everyone ranks for and it could really unfairly handicap alot of people.
Thats to much mate and is too harsh on some players depending on their rosters. A global node shouldnt be that much of a factor in a result which it could be. I really like the global idea but just too far one way. Like its been said just take the damage down. Or even do a rotating global that swiches 3 times every 8 hours of attack time. The first 8 has reduced bleed damage,second 8 crit damage and last 8 reduced healing or something. U could make it fresh and ultimately harder which is their main aim, bit in a balanced thought out way that actually freshes things up in as fair a way as possible to everyone
You think GP will be useless? Think again. My little boo will smesh [/quote]
Ur one man army has just become half a woman lol
GP without bleed is nothing homie.
Its not a nerf.
Ok. Trying to gimp. Or trying to remove some of his strength. Whatever you want to call it. Semantics aren’t as important as the point. Did you have anything valuable to add to the conversation?