Arena cutoff history
For those that don't know, there is a sizable MCOC community on Reddit. A couple of the guys keep track of the scores for the arena (veteran's bracket) and put it in a handy dandy little spreadsheet. I would encourage folks that participate to go and submit their scores on the days that the arenas end. The more data the better. Anyway, here's the link to the spreadsheet with all due respect to /u/bdawg923 and /u/ArenaResultsKnight.
Idk why they stopped updating it though. I wondered the same thing.
One of the 3 LINE Chat bot that sends out cutoffs or predictions occassionally sends out the link to reddit to report your scores, but they send that out very infrequently (and isn't it a different link each week ?). I would be more than willing to report mine, so long as I don't have to go hunting to find where to report it.
I resort to looking at my Rank position (from cache, before claiming), and comparing that to occassional exact 100% qualify runs that I do sometimes to get approximate qualifying # of people, to estimate what my rank % is othertimes (to knowmif I need to go higher or lower in future, mostly just do about the 30% rank).
Not enough feedback and results from the community on the 3* feafured nowadays, besides the cutoffs normally dont change much, compared to other arenas. ArenaResultsKnight said something like that in his post. Anyways we arena grinders benefit a lot from his work.