How is 5 star Hood as a champ?

I have 5 star Hood and i am impressed with the way he deals damage. I think hes really underrated champ. If I dont get any good mystics in future. I may rank him to rank 5 level 65 and dupe him with a mystic gem in future. What do you say? Should I bring him to rank 5/65 or wait for Voodoo or Magik?
Doesn't need the dupe, but it is kind of useful as it makes him stun immune during invisibility cooldown and that chance to steal power can be helpful at times.
I also have 5/50 SW and Magik.
Any ideas would be much appreciated
Still a hard decision on who to rank for act 5 progression because I want to focus on 5*'s because I can r4 them at a later date. But Morningstar is bleed immune and once you get her to 5 souls she's insane. Plus I'm thinking my SW 5/50 can do pretty much what the hood could do at 3/45 but better more damage 🤔