Why can't you r5 your symbiote without doing epic?

GD-DEV3LGD-DEV3L Member Posts: 75
So I have just r4'd my symbiote after doing a pass on master and tried a epic pass and couldn't do it without dropping a bill or 2 so I counted up the remaining cats to upgrade him and there are only 14 remaining so unless I make it through epic once for 1 more cat I cant rank him to r5? Is this an oversight or just a way of being a Richard cranium to everyone not dropping $200 a quest to pay through the epic content? Would love a admin to explain this or tell.me where to find the hidden cat I am missing


  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Dragon_K wrote: »
    So I have just r4'd my symbiote after doing a pass on master and tried a epic pass and couldn't do it without dropping a bill or 2 so I counted up the remaining cats to upgrade him and there are only 14 remaining so unless I make it through epic once for 1 more cat I cant rank him to r5? Is this an oversight or just a way of being a Richard cranium to everyone not dropping $200 a quest to pay through the epic content? Would love a admin to explain this or tell.me where to find the hidden cat I am missing

    Your meant to use the Symbiote boosts. They will? Make epic a breeze an you'll be able to r5 him for exploration. If your spending that much then you clearly are not ready for it
  • GD-DEV3LGD-DEV3L Member Posts: 75
    Lol said I wasn't going to spend that......... it was a guess not a actual amount I spent
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    Are you uncollected
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Dragon_K wrote: »
    Lol said I wasn't going to spend that......... it was a guess not a actual amount I spent

    Spend... on... the... symbiote... boosts.....

    The design was intentional so that you needed to proof that you could at least complete Epic (there are unnoded paths) before they gave you a free R4 equivalent to play with so you could explore Epic.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    The sym enhancements don't cost money. You get strands finishing master. If you still can't finish epic with those then it's just a difficulty you aren't ready for yet
  • gadgetfanaticgadgetfanatic Member Posts: 327
    I'm thinking you try to explore the other difficulties to get more strands and wisely spend them on boosts to do epic completion.
  • GD-DEV3LGD-DEV3L Member Posts: 75
    Look I understand the strands and buffs I'm saying my symbiote is r4 that a little over 4k pi and when I get to venom and load up the buffs sure they help a little but 4k vs 18k is like a motorcycle vs a semitruck and everyone's like just use the symbiote to do epic....... and I just dont see it unless I r5 him and doing everything below epic only nets me 14 of the 15 cats I need to r5 him and it's a real Richard Cranium thing to do that's what I wanna know if they did it so people couldn't r5 him to do epic........ does that simplify what I would like to know from @kabammike
  • ljballer22ljballer22 Member Posts: 153
    @Dragon_K don't let the PI of the R4 symbiote fool you. At R4, if I remember correctly, its health and attack are higher than a 5* 3/45. Each Epic boss pretty much has a clear-cut buff(s) that the symbiote can use to counteract the boss nodes. For example, the golden symbiote use Fight Dirty and Unknown Enemy. The second Carnage us Cleanse and Hardened Coating. Then sprinkle in a few others where you see fit. You may need to use a few pots or revives. However, Epic is very doable with the R4 symbiote.
  • rowsbeerowsbee Member Posts: 41
    Dragon_K wrote: »
    Look I understand the strands and buffs I'm saying my symbiote is r4 that a little over 4k pi and when I get to venom and load up the buffs sure they help a little but 4k vs 18k is like a motorcycle vs a semitruck and everyone's like just use the symbiote to do epic....... and I just dont see it unless I r5 him and doing everything below epic only nets me 14 of the 15 cats I need to r5 him and it's a real Richard Cranium thing to do that's what I wanna know if they did it so people couldn't r5 him to do epic........ does that simplify what I would like to know from @kabammike

    I doubt you'll get a response from Kabam but who knows, good luck. I'm not uncollected yet on my account but I just completed chapter 2 of Epic without needing anything other than the R4 Symbioid plus his enhancements. I'm certain I'll be able to finish chapter 3 without needing to spend. That said I am looking forward to R5'ing him after to make exploring Epic a bit easier.
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    Dragon_K wrote: »
    Look I understand the strands and buffs I'm saying my symbiote is r4 that a little over 4k pi and when I get to venom and load up the buffs sure they help a little but 4k vs 18k is like a motorcycle vs a semitruck and everyone's like just use the symbiote to do epic....... and I just dont see it unless I r5 him and doing everything below epic only nets me 14 of the 15 cats I need to r5 him and it's a real Richard Cranium thing to do that's what I wanna know if they did it so people couldn't r5 him to do epic........ does that simplify what I would like to know from @kabammike
    The r4 symbiotic killed the final boss of epic for me in 15 hits
  • Kenny292Kenny292 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    While this isn't a direct answer, I think the part of this comment about exploring epic giving more than enough to take it to r5 implies that at least completing a path of epic to possibly have enough for r5 was absolutely their intention.

  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    Are you uncollected yet??
  • Kenny292Kenny292 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    Also, if you think you'd have to spend $200 to get through one pass of epic, then it sounds to me like you probably don't usually finish master, in which case, you'll already be able to get more than you usually do from this month's event quest with the help of the symbioid.
  • Musclecars4l1feMusclecars4l1fe Member Posts: 32
    Dragon_K wrote: »
    Look I understand the strands and buffs I'm saying my symbiote is r4 that a little over 4k pi and when I get to venom and load up the buffs sure they help a little but 4k vs 18k is like a motorcycle vs a semitruck and everyone's like just use the symbiote to do epic.

    If you cant beat an 18k champ with a 4k champ then you arent ready for the difficulty. I myself am not the most consistent player but I can take an 18k champ with a 4k champ. I'll be the first to admit, I'm not ready for the uncollected EQ yet and I'm super close to being uncollected.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    edited October 2018
    @Dragon_K Everyone here is just telling you that doing 1 run through of epic is perfectly manageable even with a r4 symbioid. Maybe you'll need the symbiote boosts for venom and golden symbioid, maybe be abit careful with the second carnage since he has explosive personality, and also be careful with symbiote supreme as he'll shatter your buffs for alot of damage, but otherwise this event is so much easier than the uncollected emma frost event.

    And to answer your original question, yes. Kabam intended for it to be that way.
  • Animejay70Animejay70 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    edited October 2018
    i got mine to r5 doing 1 run thru of heroic, master, and epic. enough to r5 him right there. you can do the unnoded part of epic with the sym at r4. you can also get more strands by doing the labs every day as well.

    But you probably already knew that since it's been said at least 3 times...
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,918 ★★★★★
    I guess the reason why Kabam named it as "epic" instead of "uncollected" is because the epic level is relatively easier than the previous UC level, and that's why Kabam open up the gate for player over level 40 to play epic because it's the only way to have sufficient crystal to R5 your symbiote.

    I don't see why it is a must for you R5 your symbiote (I got 100% complete in Master Level with R4 only). Just apply the boost efficiently and your R4 symbiote would still be a beast.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,135 ★★★★★
    edited October 2018
    If u have to pay money to beat epic/uncollected you are either

    not strong enough and or not skilled enough

    Your just not ready, this months epic/uncolected was much easier compared to last months, last month when i first tried it i had to get use to emma specials and reverse controls, first time in a long time i had to use a team revive.

    But with practice and some account progression you can get there.

    I couldnt 100% master almost 2 years ago, i practiced and got better.

    And i am thinking you dont have a r5 5* in your roster

    Here my r5 5* omega fighting golden symboid who was hardest fight for some people.

  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    Ye this epic event quest could be done with 4:40s for the entire thing (not including symbiote ) it was quite easy this month
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Kobster84 wrote: »
    Ye this epic event quest could be done with 4:40s for the entire thing (not including symbiote ) it was quite easy this month

    i would say 4/40s is kind of a stretch. id still say 5/50s at least. venom, golden symbioid and carnage 2.0 are still the harder bosses in the EQ
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    Kobster84 wrote: »
    Ye this epic event quest could be done with 4:40s for the entire thing (not including symbiote ) it was quite easy this month

    i would say 4/40s is kind of a stretch. id still say 5/50s at least. venom, golden symbioid and carnage 2.0 are still the harder bosses in the EQ

    I’d say 4:40s if they were the right champs I.E You have a void for Symbiote Supreme a blade for Golden symbiod
  • KillerRino19KillerRino19 Member Posts: 370 ★★

    Kobster84 wrote: »
    Kobster84 wrote: »
    Ye this epic event quest could be done with 4:40s for the entire thing (not including symbiote ) it was quite easy this month

    i would say 4/40s is kind of a stretch. id still say 5/50s at least. venom, golden symbioid and carnage 2.0 are still the harder bosses in the EQ

    I’d say 4:40s if they were the right champs I.E You have a void for Symbiote Supreme a blade for Golden symbiod

    well a 5/50 Archangel can melt Symbiote Supreme if rng is on your side and pretty much any boss from this months epic eq except those from chapter 2
  • Swimmer15Swimmer15 Member Posts: 118
    edited October 2018
    itts the easiest since i been uncollected, maybe enter cable easier with ronan. Gold symbiod is still a handfull with sym at r4 even with great boost. But at r4 your symbiod can handle the entire EQ epic. If you really want to beat it, take the time to read all his available boost.
  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 215
    @Dragon_K any chance you can show your champs so we can help you, i did 100% epic and spent 0 units, so maybe there is something you are missing and we can help :smile:
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