Buy new device? (Android Only)

I wanted to ask for advice to buy a new Android device to play our
game, but with great disappointment I read that even those who have taken the best models (
S8 or higher) find themselves having my same problems (and crashes). So I do not know what to do. 
Yes, I know that with Apple the game is better, that you do not have to wait 1 minute for each upload, which doubles the arenas in half the time, but I hate the Apple devices and will never buy it.

Yes, I know that with Apple the game is better, that you do not have to wait 1 minute for each upload, which doubles the arenas in half the time, but I hate the Apple devices and will never buy it.

WiFi 4G has always been pretty good
But if you really wanna buy new phone for game then go for IPhone Android will disappoint you totally
If youre buying a phone with mcoc in mind, just do yourself a favor and buy an iphone. Game just plays so much better on them.
If you are going with a highend Android phone go with one of the major flagship models. The phone specs at that level are all more than adequate for playing the game.
The biggest factor is a getting a model Kabam uses for dev/testing. Those would be least likely to have a phone specific bug and most likely to have those issues resolved.
Samsung Galaxy, LG Gx, Pixel.... Razr or less popular carriers won't get equal attention by kabam, Even if they are the best performing phones sold.
Graphics look good as I'm taking a combo to the face though...
I used to play MCOC on Android but the game runs better on iOS. I bought an iPhone 8 plus. BUT there are also bugs and some (little) lags. I even experienced a crash.
A comparaison to my previous LG G4 (S808 + 3 GB RAM) :
Game loading : about 10 seconds / about 30 seconds
Fight loading : about 3 seconds / 8-9 seconds
If possible, test the game on your potential future phone or look for video of MCOC on it.
but .... rather than buying an iphone I stop playing
Easy Life Easy Game
Absolutely zero problems / delays / lags. Just loving it and enjoying the game.