Your favorite enhancements for the symbioid?

This might be a question asked before and that I have just missed and in that case I’m sorry.
Just curious of what your favorite enhancements are for our precious little pet.
I’ve mostly used:
Total carnage
Vicious assault
What about you guys?
Just curious of what your favorite enhancements are for our precious little pet.
I’ve mostly used:
Total carnage
Vicious assault
What about you guys?
Cut Deep
Total Carnage
Unknown Enemy
Hardened Coating is rendered useless against opponents like Electro at the beginning of 1.2, or Magik's Limbo in 2.1.
Aside from those fight, HC is quite useful if you have the shards to buy it and the skills to not get hit.
I brought in 3/45 duped AA specifically for that electro fight, and i will for magik too.
Cut deep
That’s all you need to kill your average Jane foster in less than 10 hits
Fro different paths, different boosts.
Ex. Biohazard ——> recoup etc.
I used the power drain on block for magik just not letting her get to a power bar, and used undying for electro. You can end electro fight before undying ends
hardened casing