Problems with persistent charges [Merged Threads]

I notice from members of my alliance that persistents charges sometimes dissapear from the characters. I notice the problem with Corvus and Mefisto. Corvus at AQ and Mefisto in AW.
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
It happen when u swich bewtwen op and hav to contest to ther severe
It happen becasse u Got disconcente.
First had an arena fight with Mephisto and no souls or persistent charges, but that was fine
This one though...
My MS in AQ got reset to 0 souls after I built her up to 5, so I had to redo the whole process
Doable, but annoying nonetheless
Will it change it back to 5 from 0?
Mabye yes. Ot happen alot if u get the discontiom the all carhe in game dispaer so mabye. It wuld get but. U culd try if Not then i a back.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We'll get this checked out by the rest of the team so we can get a fix out!
Sabretooths persistent charges currently arent working? Been running Masochism path in 5.4.2 and his charges arent appearing (see picture)
We were originally aware of the display issue in the charges not showing, however-- I'll be passing it along to the team that it also isn't working as it should be.
If you have the chance to provide a video please do! It'll also help us in our investigation.
We're sorry to hear about the issue that you've come across in your game.
Would you please provide us with more information on your device and the issue itself? You can see the details we need on the link below:
Thank you for your help.
Kind Regards,
Please include as much information from this template as possible with your report.
Device and Version: LG G7+ ThinQ
Device Operating System: Android 8.1 (Oreo)
Mobile Carrier: StarHub
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: v20.1.1
Game Mode: Alliance Quest & Event Quest
Champions Affected: Champion with Persistent charge (In my case Morning Star)
Active Boosts: None
Description of the Issue: I tried to collect persistent charge with my Morning Star by using SP3 to obtain the charge HOWEVER upon noticing while progressing the Persistent charge doesn't stack up ever after fight it resets to 0 charge! which SUX.
Screenshot or Video: Alliance quest already done and I also saw another thread pointing out issues with Persistent charge stacking. Please guys focus on fixing BUGS!
Hey everyone!
If the rest of you who are having this problem can please follow this template, it'd be super helpful in our investigation!