What should i do with this guy?

Just r5ed him today, been placing him on defense at 4/40 for a couple of wars.
My current war team is 4* 4/40 SL sig 99, 4* 4/40 void sig 37 and 5* 3/45 AA sig 20-ish. I occasionally switch void for 4* 4/40 wolvie sig 50-ish. With the global bleed immunity node thing in war season 5, that makes AA and wolvie useless, so should i use him in attack, or stick to defense?
Current defense team:
4* duped classic spidey 5/50
4* duped MS 5/50
4* duped GG 4/40
5* unduped ultron 2/35
4* duped Hyperion 4/40
So the bleed immune global buff will not apply to you.
Tier 5 and above only? Wow ok then ignore that part. So if i use him on attack, should he replace void/wolvie or SL?