New champs are no longer exciting for mid tier players

At the point in the game where everything is complete and there is no steady way to get rank up materials. Just being able to take champs to rank 3 in 5* isn't really exciting and aw rewards are weak unless you want to spend to be in platinum tier alliances. Glory let's you buy shards of t2a but it takes months to get the 4 you need to rank up a 5* even adding in the eq shards. If the game doesn't supply a more reasonable way to attain t2a then what is the point in continuing to play. Accounts are becoming stagnant and people are begging for rank down tickets because the t2a shortage has left no other real option for players to gain the resources to rank up new champs. This is just my opinion and I'd love to hear from others what they feel about the current state of the game.
More importantly, I get his point. There’s a strong desire for players to be able to progress 5* champs to meet the evolving needs of the Contest. One example of that is the current AW season that reduces the utility of bleed damage champs and increases the utility of female champs. If key modes of gameplay are going to change seasonally, then it makes sense to have more roster flexibility.
That doesn’t have to be RDTs, so please don’t take this as another noxious RDT thread. Increased availability of high level cats is welcome, and recent changes have helped in that regard (what @LeNoirFaineant said). It’s no longer a do-or-die if you regret taking a champ to R4–cats can be replenished in time. R5 is a different matter, and it should be for now—this is, after all, a resource gathering game and R5’s are top of game.
But there could be a little more. Rankup gems as part of special quests or that could be acquired by building over time could be considered. Juicing EQ rewards is another way—maybe give a grand prize for 100% 4-5 difficulty levels. A third way would be to juice glory rewards, either directly or via alliance events. I’m sure there are other ways, but those immediately come to mind.
Bottom line is that ranking up champs is a key source of enjoyment in MCoC. Creating more rankup opportunities—without giving away the store—increases that enjoyment.
Dr. Zola
New champs only get to r3 and that's it...not possible to use them any further competitively
Reduce t2a to 3 for max 5* and it's much easier to enjoy playing with new champs
I feel I'm stuck with my 2 r5 5*s and no motivation to continue playing since another 4 t2a Is going to take several months for just 1 champ
Might soon call it a day as my other friends did If things dont change soon
And please add full t3cc to daily quests atleast 2 for a full run...its stupid to have completed act 5 and then do t3cc daily quests to not receive even 1 full t3cc
@Kabam Vydious
@Kabam Zibiit
I have more than enough t4b and t4cc but the t2a shortage is real, at least for those who don't run multiple map 6's in AQ. Maybe we will get lucky and act 6 will be here early 2019 with a bounty of t2a available with every chapter
We went from handouts with the infinity crystal thing to ridiculous with emma frost and these labs. Some sort of consistency would be nice.
There's also Glory that can go towards Frags. It helps, anyway.
You dont have a single r5 5* then
Ironically, your situation and mine are similar...13 of my last 16 5* pulls have been dupes or re-dupes, and not wanted/needed dupes at that. With the exception of WS or Venom, none of the dupes really moved the bar at all. And my new champs? KK, Sentry and Miles.
I’d like to brag that I have so many 5* champs it’s hard not to dupe them, but that’s not the case at this stage. It’s pretty much been running in place since late spring of this year, with Prox as the newest release on my roster. I tend to pick a middling 5* to push to R3 every week or two and sell off cats and iso like crazy and hope the next 6* isn’t DPX.
Wish I could tell you it gets better, but I honestly haven’t seen daylight in a while.
Dr. Zola
I have 2 r5 5* and 5 r4 5*
You can’t get the basic faster enough to use them.
As with any game there always have to be levels. You can’t give place 500 the same shards as place 1, so U set rewards for top and then scale downwards accordingly.
New champs are impossible to obtain... and it's boring.
I would love to be able to rank up a champ solely because I enjoy playing with them. Unfortunately the competitiveness of this game is so high that most of the time we are forced to rank up the champs that can perform at that level of play rather than the ones that we might enjoy playing with the most.
Would just moan and ask for more shards to get better champs.
Got to be balance and I think it is about right at minute.
And if you don’t want to run map 6 then can’t moan at not getting better rewards
Yes as stated you can run map 6 or push for a platinum tier aw alliance. They are available there. Not asking for free rewards simply suggesting other fun ways of obtaining them. Not everyone wants to live on the game. I've done map 6 and it's not that hard it's just a time drain. People keep asking for rank down tickets in higher tier aw alliances and they are running map 6. If there were more ways to obtain t2a it would negate the need to request rdt. It shouldn't be a handout but there should be ways outside of aw and aq to obtain ranking materials as well. Not hearing any moaning for better rewards just discussing why mid tier players aren't as excited about the game anymore. It has also made aw very boring since you cant really rank and change your defense very often with the current meta of the game. I'm glad you enjoy map 6 but many have grown tired of the constant grind of aq and aw. That doesn't mean we don't want to still enjoy the excitement of the game we just don't want to constantly be on line. There should be a balance between life and game and it should not make your account stagnate because you don't want to login every hour