So I recently beat Act 4 with ease with these champions:
5* Cap IW 2/35
4* Stark Spidey 4/40
4* Wolverine (Sig 20) 4/40
4* Nebula (Sig 20) 4/40
4* DD Classic (Sig 30) 4/40
I tried to start act 5, but the degeneration nodes on everyone in 5.1.1 slows me down and kills all my champions early on. Help?
5* Cap IW 2/35
4* Stark Spidey 4/40
4* Wolverine (Sig 20) 4/40
4* Nebula (Sig 20) 4/40
4* DD Classic (Sig 30) 4/40
I tried to start act 5, but the degeneration nodes on everyone in 5.1.1 slows me down and kills all my champions early on. Help?
Edit: just play fast and don’t mess up.
Congrats, you identified clickbait. And it made you rethink and reply with your help. So, I win lol
So If I have the class advantage I will only lose 50% health over time...?
It's possible for me, if I spend a couple of units on potions which I don't like doing.
go youtube watch some vids to better ur intercept/play style. the degen node is easily counterable by regen/class advantage champs, high enough damage helps. gotta use Wolvie and Sparky to their highest potential for this, is not that hard tbh.
Choose regen champs and high damage champs of different classes and try to get a class advantage.
Wait isent your best guy 5 star Captain America Infinity War? Shouldent that be your profile pic?
i think i had one r4 dr strange when i beat act 4.
Level up your champs more and then come back. I got my butt kicked when I initially tried it, then I worked on leveling up champs for couple of months, went back with some 3/45 and 5/50 champs and completed uncollected in 3 days. Good luck, it gets easier once you gain experience and level up champs a bit more.
That´s actually helpful input. Kudos to you for keeping it constructive!
wait till 5.3 or 5.4.....
unfortunately dud if you cant do it the answer is simple. spend some time getting resource and rank up your champs and it will then be easier.
or practive running it over and over. eventually you will no longer struggle with it...