a hacker had hacked my account and completed my LOL and u had banned my account permanently

i havent use any third party app in my device . A hacker had hacked my account and might have completed lol in my account. I didnt knew when he had completed the lol from my account i came to know when i open my account the next day i saw that my lol was completed but i havent done anything wrong . So this is the humble request to you that please unban my marvel contest of champions account ... my game id is :- kaifi10 and the email of kabam account is - murghoobkaifi@yahoo.com.
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Hacked ur acc... Completed LoL, left all the rewards even champs so u can continue..
And i guess.. when u suddenly woke up and saw u got an 5 star Ultron or just bunch of t4cc (if not completed 100%)
u say nice i got a 5 star ultron and wasnt worried about how u got it and saw LoL was completed..
Come on... no one gonna believe that..
As well as your current address, date of birth, mother's maiden name....
It is on his to-do list but LOL takes top priority. Always.
Glad I don't eat my vegetables and cuss like a sailor!
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