Account Sharing within an alliance

NEONEO Member Posts: 347
I joined an alliance very recently and some of the members including the leader share accounts of certain members that don't have the time to play so they can finish paths in alliance wars and alliance quests. They say it's not a big deal and Kabam only cares about the hacks. I think they are stupid for risking their accounts they spent so much time to build.


  • XMEN1994XMEN1994 Member Posts: 51
    Leave them, go join a legit alliance.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    Just waiting on my SA rewards and find a new alliance that will take me and a few buddies that want to leave.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    These guys are stupid they openly talk about it in front of the entire alliance in chat.
  • JFerg114JFerg114 Member Posts: 122
    Oh now you want to leave? Because now you been rolling with cheaters you have no choice. If there were no bans we would even see this post.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    i just joined a week ago and me and my buddies have been discussing leaving before the ban announcement was made. So why the hate?
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    Kabam can verify.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    A few buddies and myself just joined in a small pack
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    If you just joined you won't get SA rewards yet.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    Actually im eligle for SA this week, wasn't last week. What does that have to do with the main point. Sharing accounts.
  • Ja55Ja55 Member Posts: 155
    NEO wrote: »
    Actually im eligle for SA this week, wasn't last week. What does that have to do with the main point. Sharing accounts.

    If they are "cheating" to win in aw and you know this then you are also guilty. "Cheating" in aw results in more shards which equals more crystals. As an end result a higher sa score due to that. By staying until sa for the inflated rewards you are also "cheating".
  • aryaintardisaryaintardis Member Posts: 28
    Off topic but we are looking for a small group of players. 6.4mil ally, no sharing, cheating of any kind so hit me up if you guys are good enough with map 5. Line: aryaintardis
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    edited July 2017
    I will quit now to be honest then. i just joined a little over a week ago and found out they account share probably 2 days ago in chat group, but wanted my SA rewards that i put forth my honest time earning. If that makes me a cheater I will quit now. Wish I could get a Moderators suggestion.
  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    NEO wrote: »
    I will quit now to be honest then. i just joined a little over a week ago and found out they account share probably 2 days ago in chat group, but wanted my SA rewards that i put forth my honest time earning. If that makes me a cheater I will quit now. Wish I could get a Moderators suggestion.

    Just wait it out for SA rewards. If you truly joined without knowing what they were doing with account sharing then it is no fault of your own. And since you have contributed you should reap some of the rewards. You'll miss out on AQ rewards either way though.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    Yeah, i joined unknowingly. I messaged moderation in hopes to get a straight answer. Don't want to be guilty by association by any means.
  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    NEO wrote: »
    Yeah, i joined unknowingly. I messaged moderation in hopes to get a straight answer. Don't want to be guilty by association by any means.

    You broke no rules. There is no guilt unless you would have. Ignore the calls for blood.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    Thanks Thawnim, i will ignore them.
  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    NEO wrote: »
    Thanks Thawnim, i will ignore them.

    If you still have the messages asking you to share your account, you should probably forward them off to the support team.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    They never asked me to share my credentials. I just saw them speaking of logging into other non active accounts within the alliance.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    Me and a few of my friends that joined them think it's BS and want to find a honest alliance to join.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    When i say non active accounts. They are alliance members accounts that don't have the time to play as much anymore due to their changed schedules
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    Oh geez
  • OzzieontOzzieont Member Posts: 239
    So this people cheat to be good , what a shame i recommend if people dont have time to play go to a lay back alliance before you get ban is a cheat account sharing is not less punishable than hacking is in the TOS you must keep confidential your password and 1 account per person and i know they coming now after ip adress they should had done this long time ago
  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    shingbab wrote: »
    Sounds like a standard alliance to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Oh, "the because everyone else does it" justification for cheating. I love that one, absolutely my favorite.
  • Ja55Ja55 Member Posts: 155
    Thawnim wrote: »
    NEO wrote: »
    Yeah, i joined unknowingly. I messaged moderation in hopes to get a straight answer. Don't want to be guilty by association by any means.

    You broke no rules. There is no guilt unless you would have. Ignore the calls for blood.

    What if he stays for the next 10 sa rewards is that okay? If he knows they "cheat" and stays for inflated rewards due to "cheating" then yes he did do something wrong. I personally would not leave before sa rewards. Do i think he will get in trouble for this? Not sure. Before he made this thread my guess is there was a .09% chance of him having issues. Now that he has commented who knows. Maybe kabam takes a closer look at the alliance and the people sharing are also modding. I believe entire alliances have been banned in the past but that is just hearsay.

  • shingbabshingbab Member Posts: 120
    shingbab wrote: »
    Sounds like a standard alliance to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Oh, "the because everyone else does it" justification for cheating. I love that one, absolutely my favorite.

    Dunno about that.
    I will say that map 6 with a global alliance is nigh on impossible.
    And booting people because they go on holiday / have an emergency / have a bereavement doesn't feel very 'alliance like'. With 30 individuals in different timezones that stuff happens pretty regularly.
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    Well i wont be staying and if i can't get a definitive answer from a Mod, i will quit before SA tomorrow. Not going to risk my account for a few shards.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    Just sucks because i just became eligible for ally rewards and will have to go through the cool down period again thanks to account sharers.
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