Remember your best day?

After completing the new champion quest, I had a new six star to open and enough resources for some nice rank ups. I got a 6 star luke cage and finally took my iceman to rank 4 and awakened him with a mutant gem. Pretty solid day even though my last 2 five star pulls were both antman. What are some of your great days your remember?
M.O.D.O.K.’s hotel
I completed Act 4 (not exploration) after beating Maestro for the 1st time. I opened my 4* crystal and got Agent Venom (indifferent pull). From my next 4* crystal from shards I duped my Killmonger and from the skill ISOs I took my Blade to 4/40. A few hrs later, from my 5th 5* crystal I got Kingpin.
Stark Spidey 4* out of a PHC during class. Epic win
Beating Maestro act 4 boss (with the regen node on) with black suit spidey (parry > stack armour breaks > sp2 > bye Maestro 👋)
1st time beating ROL WS after so many failed attempts with my 3* SL.
No, I've got him like month ago, so not yet. Looking forward to dupping my Sentry one day (hopefully soon)
Got the 5* movie crystal and enough shards for a normal one pulled Ultron with both.
It was an amazing stretch for me but if I HAD to pick 1 I’d definitly say pulling 5* Venom a day before the patch went live and feeling be full before and after effect