Those Who Got Banned(i got too),,they should get Second Chance !!!

i Played this game with complete devotion,loyalty,,and mostly with honesty till i reach to level 58,,after that i received a friend request came to me,,he told me about MOD(about which i didn't know before),,he say to use it to complete your desires,,i told him,,it is unfair,,and against KABAM policy,,u will get BANNED for it,,he told me,,it is BANNED-Proof...but,,i didn't believe him that day,,BUT,,next day i got tempted by his offering i ask him more about MOD,,he gave me the link,,i USED it to complete "Web-Slinger,ACT5.1,5.2(Just Explored to get Uncollected Title),,Road to Labirynth,,LOL,,2 times in AW,,and once in Arena,,then i again installed normal mode of mcoc,,and never again used it...till this POINT,,i accept ,, i m fully responsible to my actions and should be BANNED,,in fact ,, actually I AM !!! :-(
But,,i still not ready to give up my Very Hard-Working Account for just using MOD for around 2-3 days.
2-3 Days is enough to cause HAVOC...i m guilty,,but Still,,i believe KABAM should offer some sort of second chance for People.
For_Starter,,instead of banning us permanently,,they can banned us temporary for some hours(like last time it was 720 hours),,
Secondly,,they can undo,,all the progress,,we have achieved by cheating in Road to Labirynth,,LOL,,ACT5 complete(including ACT5.1,5.2),,Web-Slinger(Complete),,They can take back they Rewards,,earned by Cheating...AND,,most importantly,,they can gave us CHEATER title,,which should be UNCHANGEABLE,,and if any of us done cheating in future again,,then,,KABAM is fully welcome to BANNED us permanently.
(and,,if KABAM thinks,,it is the second time,,then,,i m sorry,,it is first time for me,,and,,i should get second chance).
SO,,Please Guyz,,HELP ME...i m really Very UPSET.
But,,i still not ready to give up my Very Hard-Working Account for just using MOD for around 2-3 days.
2-3 Days is enough to cause HAVOC...i m guilty,,but Still,,i believe KABAM should offer some sort of second chance for People.
For_Starter,,instead of banning us permanently,,they can banned us temporary for some hours(like last time it was 720 hours),,
Secondly,,they can undo,,all the progress,,we have achieved by cheating in Road to Labirynth,,LOL,,ACT5 complete(including ACT5.1,5.2),,Web-Slinger(Complete),,They can take back they Rewards,,earned by Cheating...AND,,most importantly,,they can gave us CHEATER title,,which should be UNCHANGEABLE,,and if any of us done cheating in future again,,then,,KABAM is fully welcome to BANNED us permanently.
(and,,if KABAM thinks,,it is the second time,,then,,i m sorry,,it is first time for me,,and,,i should get second chance).
SO,,Please Guyz,,HELP ME...i m really Very UPSET.
Those Who Got Banned(i got too),,they should get Second Chance !!! 54 votes
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BUT,,THINK ABOUT THIS FOR A MOMENT,,PLEASE...WHAT ABOUT THE 1-2 YEARS I PLAYED WITH FULL DEVOTION,LOYALTY,HONESTY,,never used MOD before...I KNOW,I SCREW UP...i m HUMAN,,HUMAN makes mistake,,SHOULD I NOT GET SECOND CHANCE...i know in reallife,u does not get second chance...but this is a game.
Just give it up already. Make a new account and start over if you so love this game.
If you're not getting a response from Kabam in private, it's over, nothing is gonna change.
Posting in public is only gonna make it worse, look at everybody making fun of you.
Smh, go find another mobile game to play...and don't do anything sketchy, hopefully you learn from this experience.
Please give me a more chance,,cause the last time(in 2016 around,,then their was BAN WAVE,,at that time,,KABAM SHOWs leniency ... banned temporary for 720 hrs) ... so i m just saying(knowing the fact,,its all my fault,,not blaming kabam or anyone),,please help me KABAM.
RULES are RULES !!! they can be changed sometimes (USING MOD is manipulation of it),,which we can't do with LAW,,so it is a proof LAW is different from RULES...(if it can be manipulated,,it can be changed too)
it is -
1.WHAT IS DONE IS DONE-this is for u guyzZ,,u all made a mistake,,by selecting this option. can be CHANGE-this is actual option...and u all just agree,,i can be change.
3.U SHOULD HAVE THINKED ABOUT IT BEFORE !!!-this is now the case with you happening just like me.