Make Jane Thor good suggestion
Here's an idea: How about adding power lock on stuns for the stun duration for Jane Thor?
Would actually make her good. Why?
Well the whole point to her is that she can stun shocked enemies but unless you want them to nail you once their power is full with an L3 you can't really hit too much so you're gonna have to wait for the stun to expire making it pretty much useless.
So if she also power locks stunned enemies it might make her rank up worthy because she will not have to worry about filling their meter up.
Would actually make her good. Why?
Well the whole point to her is that she can stun shocked enemies but unless you want them to nail you once their power is full with an L3 you can't really hit too much so you're gonna have to wait for the stun to expire making it pretty much useless.
So if she also power locks stunned enemies it might make her rank up worthy because she will not have to worry about filling their meter up.
Well she's pretty much useless now so I don't think it would make her OP. But definitelly a lot better.
Also, plenty of champs in game have an ability they don't have in the comics. But you know...carry on.
I kept a 60k health Colossus with increased armour in master (before it was easy) stunned from start to finish of the fight with my 5/50 Jayne Foster.
Also petrify mastery reduces power gain while stunned by 30%
Magik can not drain power from others in comics.
Ant mans L2 shoots a swarm at the opponent who sting/bite the enemy and poison him. I never read GP comix so idk about her. Vision in AoU at least, used his power to cut off ultron from the internet, effectively destroying his digital “healing factor”.
And/Or alternatively grant her attacks unblockable when opponent is shocked.
And every successful hits deals an EMP, reducing opponent's power.
The Petrify mastery is a pretty important mastery if you rely on stunning your opponent. 1/3 reduction not enough?