Is PM Good?

I have a 5* Corvus and just pulled PM and wondered if she is any good or worth ranking up for synergy purposes?
Is she considered a good champ?
Thanks in advance
Is she considered a good champ?
Thanks in advance
1. Get Corvus on your team to reduce a mission.
2. Complete all missions: intercept, Parry, Knock-Down, 100 hits (75 hits with Corvus)
3. Special 2
This does over 400000 damage. She is incredible but it will take time to build up to that damage. The hardest mission is probably the 75 hits one. Especially when you have to intercept. if you miss, you'll have to restart the hit combo.
She’s definitly a niche pick for long fights or is a complete utility pick
I agree whole heartedly. Her missions, providing interception is not the first one, usually allow her to keep up in shorter fights where you also need more utility. Her accuracy is one of the better “anti-defensive” tools in the game imo rivaled by only those generally considered Demi and God tier. I find her consistently excellent for Spiders, Wasps, and Nightcrawlers alike as well as the big 3 auto blockers and I assume she’ll also exceed vs the new DarkHawk who will presumably join them on defense.
A unique blend of boss killing while also a standout utility champ that specializes in rewarding skilled play with bypassing evasion, Autoblocking, and projectile basics