Darkhawk interaction with Devices [Merged Threads]



  • TheBotTheBot Member Posts: 12
    There's an issue when trying to fight Dark Hawk. The game crashes and need to restart. The fight is recovered but once the fight
    starts there's lag and 3 seconds later you are ko-ed. This keeps happening on uncollected.
    Master has the same issue but atleast no lag once you get past the recovery fight mode.
    I don't care about master but for uncollected this needs to be fixed asap. I have energy refills that are close to expiring.
    So would love to see an acknowledgement of this problem and push for a fast fix.

    Playing on Iphone6 and latest IOS firmware.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,999 ★★★★★
    They've acknowledged it. There's an ongoing Thread.
  • TheBotTheBot Member Posts: 12
    They've acknowledged it. There's an ongoing Thread.

    Is that the android one? Didnt find anything for IOS. If you could point me into the right direction that would be awesome :)
  • RowdyRoddyRowdyRoddy Member Posts: 16
    edited December 2018
    Motorola E5 plus
    Cellular Data T-Mobile/metropcs
    IGN RowdyRoddy
    Version 21.0

    I've been having major issues since 20.0 and some other updates were released, issues like these.

    1. Slowdowns.
    2. Lag in the beginning of the fight.
    3. Extreme lag and stalls when trying to open crystals, freezes, champion portrait disappearers so does energy information which persists even after navigating away from the game.
    4. Getting disconnected when moving to other apps.
    5. Crashing
    6. Network connection issues
    7. Slow movement when navigating maps
    8. Long loading times when checking champions, portrait of champions load slow, when checking them and switching between them it has a small spinning circle for a but before they load and slowdowns when scrolling down champions
    9. Slow loading on home screen
    10. Slow start up
    11. Champions refusing to move properly
    12. Getting specials blocked at alarming clip
    13. Other champions still appearing in information screen

    And much more since 20.0, was working fine for the most part but since the last updates it's slowed to a crawl and I know it is not my phone since everything else is working perfectly fine including other more demanding gsmes like pubg with almost no issues.

    Honestly you guys really need to get it together and actually fix the game and your servers before other players and I just decide that this game just isn't worth it anymore and are getting tired of all these bugs and issues that plague this game that either never get fixed or they take a extremely long time to do so.

    I miss the days prior to 12.0 where they game was farily stable and they activily fixed bugs and gave us compensation when there were issues and let's face it the overall gameplay and has declined a lot since then.
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    TheBot wrote: »
    There's an issue when trying to fight Dark Hawk. The game crashes and need to restart. The fight is recovered but once the fight
    starts there's lag and 3 seconds later you are ko-ed. This keeps happening on uncollected.
    Master has the same issue but atleast no lag once you get past the recovery fight mode.
    I don't care about master but for uncollected this needs to be fixed asap. I have energy refills that are close to expiring.
    So would love to see an acknowledgement of this problem and push for a fast fix.

    Playing on Iphone6 and latest IOS firmware.
    Happening to me to
  • EndymioNEndymioN Member Posts: 64
    Brand: samsung
    Model: SM-T561
    Android Version: 4.4.4

    Always at start of fight with darkhawk games goes frame by frame untill im dead, patch to patch this game keeps getting more unplayable. starting to think kabam just doesnt care.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    I created that thread because i thought that it was an android specific issue only, but guess it isn't.
    Androids are normally the devices that have problems with some champions
  • EndymioNEndymioN Member Posts: 64
    oh, im definalty not going to spend revives on a game that is broken... then it would be even more pay to win then what already is.
  • TheBotTheBot Member Posts: 12
    I created that thread because i thought that it was an android specific issue only, but guess it isn't.
    Androids are normally the devices that have problems with some champions

    That sucks because it hasn't been acknowledged by kabam. Only they will pass it along.
    So it might not even be fixed. In that case i hope they will be honest so I won't need to bother waisting items on it.

  • MrTicTac19992008MrTicTac19992008 Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    edited December 2018
    Just fought Darkhawk there and the lag was unbelievable. Could barely dash back to avoid his hits. Probably is my phone as all the fights leading up to it were grand. Went the Limber and then cornered path. Kabam should really let people know that this fight may be a struggle on certain phones. No point testing it on the top range of phones. Majority of people have the mid to lower range phones.

    Needless to say I died and wont be trying again until end of the month.
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  • chaos_bruhchaos_bruh Member Posts: 181
    Jh_Dez wrote: »
    Is anyone else experiencing a major lag when hitting darkhawks block and at fight start?

    same here hitting him on block makes it lag rather then hitting other
  • leo31rjleo31rj Member Posts: 2
    Device: Moto G6 Play
    Android 8.0
    V 21.1

    At the beginning of the fight my champions stand and do not respond to the command to retreat (Dexterity does not work) and so it simply stands still. The fight only returns to normal after I lose between 3 or 4 champions. I already spent an average of 400 units ONLY on Darkhalk!
  • Flbarros_Flbarros_ Member Posts: 19
    Device: Asus Zenfone 5 (2018)
    OS: Android 8.0
    Cellular data and Wi-Fi

    Same issue. Lag as the fight starts. Wiered (slow and very wided range) animations. These only happen when fighting against Darkhawk
  • SpeedbumpSpeedbump Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★
    Why would kabam fix something quick if that makes them money?

    Only when "we" are exploiting certain areas there is cause for a "fast fix". Cause that costs them money, they cant have that.

    Well played kabam, well played
  • EndymioNEndymioN Member Posts: 64
    nah, its a fast way to lose costumers... i spent a fair amount on this game but really tired of playing a broken game. and yeah if it was against them it would be fixed or baned or wathever by now.. but this problem has been around forever and just getting stronger
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    This is.100% NOT android specific. Happening on iOS, iPad Air 2 and iPhone 9. Screen freezes when fighting starts, when he changes modes or uses any special.
  • Aetherlion21Aetherlion21 Member Posts: 2
    IPad Mini 4
    iOS 12.1
    Game V 21.1

    In Master Mode against Darkhawk, my game lags at the start of the fight almost every time I play him. Even when I’m sliding my finger to dodge Darkhawk, my characters do not move and he automatically kills me at the beginning due to being unblockable. Sometimes the game also lags when he uses his special attacks, and again, even though I’m sliding my finger to dodge, my characters remain stationary and I get killed. Bought multiple revives and energy refills to try again, no luck. Only around two out of fifteen tries against him did the lag not occur at the beginning, and even then, it ended up occurring when he used a special attack late in the fight. I used several different champions against Darkhawk: Quake, Hyperion, Blade, Falcon, Yondu, Spider Man Stark Enhanced, Iceman, Scarlet Witch, Captain America Infinity War. All of them experienced a lag at the beginning during one of my tries. Scarlet Witch, Hyperion, and Captain America Infinity War got past the beginning once without lagging, but the game then lagged on one of Darkhawk’s special attacks later in the fight.I had no issues with any other fights on Master and Uncollected modes, and was able to get as far as defeating Uncollected Night Thrasher. I appreciate your help on this!
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Wolf

    Any comment on a fix for this? Can't complete master if this one fight is broken!
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,821 ★★★★★
    Speedbump wrote: »
    Why would kabam fix something quick if that makes them money?

    Only when "we" are exploiting certain areas there is cause for a "fast fix". Cause that costs them money, they cant have that.

    Well played kabam, well played

    It only makes them money when you keep doing the fight knowing its not working for you. You have 30 days to do it. Why not wait a little bit for the fix. They arent forcing you to complete it right now.
  • PlagueisBanePlagueisBane Member Posts: 232
    Razer 2
    has never lagged.... ever.
    Use duped LC, preferably 5* R4, win the game(darkhawk), and then go do the girlfriend or wife thing. ;)
  • ZazcoisaZazcoisa Member Posts: 28
    In-Game Name: Zazcoisa
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy A7 (2016)
    Device Operating System: Android 7.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: The latest, 21.1.0
    Game Mode: Event Quests
    Description of the Issue: Normally i wouldn't say anything and just wait for a fix, but because i'm few shards away from opening my first 6* crystal i really can't wait
    It's the same issue as everyone, the lagging when fighting Darkhawk. I hope you guys fix this ASAP because it took some time, i mean it's been 3 days since EQ started and no one from Kabam's team has said anything regarding this problem.
  • edited December 2018
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  • Dixienormas2000Dixienormas2000 Member Posts: 72
    Funny the Wasp bug in The Champions Clash gets fixed within 30 minutes because it made it a joke for players, yet this lag has been ongoing for days now and nothing has been done. Same happened to me yet again twice while going into Darkhawk fight on OS started fight game quit automatically and had to reboot, then entered match massive lag with unblockable hits lmao, why add any buffs to nodes just keep the lag makes the fights impossible enough. Kabam should focus less on graphics and animations and more on just having the game run smoothly, if the lags cant be fixed in a timely fashion then Kabam should just stop putting in unblockable attacks as everyone blocks when lag happens it's a reaction, thanks.
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  • VinneVinne Member Posts: 9
    I'm having the same issues
  • TaZ_4178TaZ_4178 Member Posts: 506 ★★
    I can't stress the importance enough, of a fix for this. I've tried numerous times in this Fight and it's buggy everytime. Evade is not kicking in, it freezes and lags everytime, and I've spent quite a few Resources trying to manage the Fight, as well as starting over to save Resources. When a Champ has Nodes that require precise countertactics, having performance issues like this makes it increasingly more challenging. I'm hoping something is found that can fix it. It's frustrating. Thanks guys.

    You know it's bad when even @groundedwisdom & @demonfyre are both saying either fix this or wait for a fix... finally kabamed I See! Lmao anyways i don't think this is fixed yet i was just able to take him down in master mode once but im not wasting my time doing 100% or finishing uncollected until then... good thing im retired lol 😎🍻
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,999 ★★★★★
    edited December 2018
    To be clear, I'm not making any demands. I understand they can only do the best they can. I'm just emphasizing the importance of it because it's going to be a long month, and it's very difficult to play like this.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    edited December 2018
    If they take off parry and unblockable, then it would be just fine for master and uncollected
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