
RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,742 ★★★★★
To me was teased at the end but i also believe he will be the new villain after Act 6 closes out the current story.

Night Thrasher believes Grandmaster and Collector are trapped in the realm(in the cutscene they enter a vortexx and i believe it landed them in the beyond realm) so what if the battlerealm isnt battlerealm but actually is beyond realm where Beyonder is ruler as they pull objects or people from reality itself and puts them in their beyond realm for collection.

What if og contest of champions was taken from its reality but something went wrong causing the Beyonder to go M.I.A till now!! My theory is Beyonder extracts the original contest realm and teleports to it beyond realm to place it in its own zone specially created as in the beyond realm each zone has a different world.

Something goes wrong causing Beyonder to end up in a coma like state and not able to teleport it to its destined zone so instead it appeared somewhere else in the realm where Collector and Grandmaster come across claiming to be the owners now.

Fast Forward till now Beyonder is awaken and realizes contest has gotten out of control and that 2 elders are running the show so time has come to remove the brothers and take back what is his.

My theory but again i believe the story team will make it even cooler lol.


  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Seems legit. Do any hardcore comic book nerds know where the tracking device NT has in the cutscene comes from? Could be a part of the puzzle
  • SpeedbumpSpeedbump Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★
    lol "nerds"
  • cUbA_LiBrEcUbA_LiBrE Member Posts: 1,123 Guardian
    Seems legit. Do any hardcore comic book nerds know where the tracking device NT has in the cutscene comes from? Could be a part of the puzzle

    Night Thrasher said it was build from parts and from a genius. My guess Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards.
  • ParksParks Member Posts: 8
    Then if the Beyonder is the next villain in the contest, Wich also Reed Richards and the fantastic four are coming to the contest, which they are related to silver surfer ( friends owned by same company, in movies together, and silver surfer is the herald of Galactus. Then what, if he even is going to be in the contest, would he be, like the next top villian. And also same thing with Doctor Doom. (But on a lower scale).
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Parks wrote: »
    Then if the Beyonder is the next villain in the contest, Wich also Reed Richards and the fantastic four are coming to the contest, which they are related to silver surfer ( friends owned by same company, in movies together, and silver surfer is the herald of Galactus. Then what, if he even is going to be in the contest, would he be, like the next top villian. And also same thing with Doctor Doom. (But on a lower scale).

    Could easily skip the fantastic 4 storyline with the Beyonder. Add in molecular-man etc...would need The Thing. Beyonder has good story tie-ins with mephisto and the usual group of champs we already have in the game.
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    (Don't know if you're thinking of the same place I am) What if the Battlerealm is the Beyonders Home Dimension/Universe? Beyonder"s" as in the ones that were kicking the Cosmic Entities' a**' back in Secret Wars, and it was left full of random bits of stuff from parts of reality saved after Doom, Molecule Man, and Strange defeated them?
  • spigwenderspigwender Member Posts: 473 ★★★
    Parks wrote: »
    Then if the Beyonder is the next villain in the contest, Wich also Reed Richards and the fantastic four are coming to the contest, which they are related to silver surfer ( friends owned by same company, in movies together, and silver surfer is the herald of Galactus. Then what, if he even is going to be in the contest, would he be, like the next top villian. And also same thing with Doctor Doom. (But on a lower scale).

    The next EQ is called this man this monster (a fantastic four comic) so more than likely the fantastic four are coming
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    edited December 2018
    I’m hoping its Doc Dooms battleworld.
  • Xxxdaniel3344Xxxdaniel3344 Member Posts: 123
    Whos beyonder
  • JayCeeJayCee Member Posts: 732 ★★
    Parks wrote: »
    Then if the Beyonder is the next villain in the contest, Wich also Reed Richards and the fantastic four are coming to the contest, which they are related to silver surfer ( friends owned by same company, in movies together, and silver surfer is the herald of Galactus. Then what, if he even is going to be in the contest, would he be, like the next top villian. And also same thing with Doctor Doom. (But on a lower scale).

    The next EQ is called this man this monster (a fantastic four comic) so more than likely the fantastic four are coming

    Didn’t Kabam already say it isn’t the fantastic 4. TBH, I think it will be Mister Negative. If it is him, I hope the don’t waste their “spidey-pass” by giving us negative suit Spider-Man.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    edited December 2018
    Seems legit. Do any hardcore comic book nerds know where the tracking device NT has in the cutscene comes from? Could be a part of the puzzle

    “Nerds” is meant as a compliment. I call myself a nerd every day. Sorry if it came across as condescending. 🤷‍♂️

    @cUbA_LiBrE thanks. I guess I didn’t put two and two together. Seems like FF are finally coming : D

    @JayCee that’s what I thought, but in RichTheMans video, he said the character in the motion comic that looked like Thing wasn’t thing. I don’t believe he or kabam ever said explicitly “No FF yet”
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,742 ★★★★★
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,742 ★★★★★
    Parks wrote: »
    Then if the Beyonder is the next villain in the contest, Wich also Reed Richards and the fantastic four are coming to the contest, which they are related to silver surfer ( friends owned by same company, in movies together, and silver surfer is the herald of Galactus. Then what, if he even is going to be in the contest, would he be, like the next top villian. And also same thing with Doctor Doom. (But on a lower scale).

    The next EQ is called this man this monster (a fantastic four comic) so more than likely the fantastic four are coming

    Wont happen till disney fox merger is completed in first half of 2019 till then FF wont appear as Fox still owns the rights
  • HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
    I'm thinking Sleepwalker is going to somehow play a role in all of this in the future.

    He and Darkhawk fought together a good bit as well as Deathlok and Terror.
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,742 ★★★★★
    Edit: i believe the figure isnt beyonder but maybe Silver Surfer.

    Yes title says This Man, This Monster and Silver Surfer falls under this lol
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