4-Year Anniversary: What was your Favourite Storyline of the Year?

Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
edited December 2018 in General Discussion
Hey Summoners!

As we look back at everything that happened in the Contest's 4th year, we want to know, which Event Quest's Storyline gripped you the most?

Did you find yourself ready to put an end to the Cabal? Did you laugh out loud at Masacre and the Mercs for Money? Were you motivated to put an end to the mad plans of Thanos? Were you heartbroken by the Collector's loss of his daughter in The Age of Sentry? Or find yourself deeply invested in Ægon's sacrifice?

Let us know which Event Quest's Storyline you loved the most this year. Choose an option in the Poll, and let us know why in the Comments below!

4-Year Anniversary: What was your Favourite Storyline of the Year? 613 votes

The Age of Sentry
BendyGoose_81sfu_koraxPlayer1994ScottryanBlueActarusDarkrider05NOOOOOOOOPEEEEEMR_MansbridgeDuke_SilverMostWantedScarface1938BluDragonissamaf80ESFJumptheshark10or_StrongHerrPopopMelt_BahanaPRABHSHARAN13 27 votes
Rise of the Black Panther
Captain_Kandicethetaman23BashlordD_S_YotzPcc880Delta_14avidgamerAlex13369SaintXxXDrchucklesFingfangfoomfanesSlappapowA l p h aGeneralDCSceptilemaniacCassyMrTicTac19992008AanthoFantasy_91 35 votes
X-Men: Savage Future
Mr_PlatypusMoo9NifzBuckylives2_0TimEYouconfusedMegaGalacticDomizthebestWwest13Darrteee_86CaesarBlackXxOriginalxXWozzy101Lucifer_MS_626CardiganBlueTheScienceLabHAL9000RedAndSlim 18 votes
Infinity Chaos and Infinity Nightmare
Kabam GalacticMadman_marvinGroundedWisdomDL864RoyalMarshallLogarooGamerDJRipsterKpatrixGKaineHoldengbecauseicantClobberin_TimeShrimkinsLagacyDeeparviIronDevilCELEZERandomlyGeneratedBadrose 246 votes
Return to the Micro-Realm
samalasravanNoble_SquishyHazmat911Austin555555chadiriachyGustavo20SmokieisgodZJoePBen9323RaHiMModern14115 11 votes
The Cabal Saga (Masacre and the Mercs for Money, Enter the Cabal, X-Men: Class Omega, Night Riders)
JJWWhododo872Timone147mostlyharmlessnbenshbApocalypse189NuclekerrJackd1989Guiustavtattooedtrash79DragonFire2Savio444Shepard5656LeoGnarleyardoArch_Stanton19Jrendon13Akarsh383Raichu626XxLoganTDCxXWaboba 67 votes
Blood and Venom: Symbiomancer
Vdh2008A_rock007vip662009Bobet22Longshot57BigbadromoKyrkantFarseer123456789IcejrSurya027DrownedGodJP1119MattPartThe_DriverHugeBeanThecaligarelinquoVivek_786csexton00sublime2323 157 votes
Brawl in the Battlerealm
Kabam MiikeFuzzylumpsbloodyCainImmortal_heroesmani274RichTheManStucat1onyxyno1Kayne34RamizBatman_26_2019DTMelodicMetalElusivePanchulon21BendersBountyRevenge_of_the_NerfsMiller1702MCoC_fanRicemanChandu_s700 52 votes


  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    Infinity Chaos and Infinity Nightmare
    Rocket & Groot's holiday special: awesome and funny dialogue.
  • AnkalagonnAnkalagonn Member Posts: 539 ★★
    The Cabal Saga (Masacre and the Mercs for Money, Enter the Cabal, X-Men: Class Omega, Night Riders)
    Cabal saga. That was a good one. Congrats to everyone involved!
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Infinity Chaos and Infinity Nightmare
    I really enjoyed the infinity war storyline
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,987 ★★★★★
    Infinity Chaos and Infinity Nightmare
    I really enjoyed the infinity war storyline

  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Blood and Venom: Symbiomancer
    I can’t decide between Infinity War and Symbiote events. Both great. Story wise, I guess Infinity War now that I think about it
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,865 ★★★★★
    The Age of Sentry
    I think the introduction of sentry and void since we got a point of view of a million suns and the villain of a million suns which was pretty cool to see of how they both got introduced
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,887 ★★★★★
    Young Elders and Ægon reviving that Act 5 girl whose name I just forgot :smiley:
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    X-Men: Savage Future
    I really liked the story of savage future, no idea why, maybe because it was a satisfying one off, if I had to pick another it’d probably be Black Panther
    The Age of Sentry
    This EQ had greatly improved the Lore of the Battlerealm and made The Collectors character much deeper.
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    Infinity Chaos and Infinity Nightmare
    Rocket & Groot's holiday special: awesome and funny dialogue.

    I misread the topic, thought it was about the storylines from all 4 years.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    Infinity Chaos and Infinity Nightmare
    I liked the infinity storyline and dr strange follow-up in Oct.
  • issamaf80issamaf80 Member Posts: 1,472 ★★★
    The Age of Sentry
    I'm Simple Man I see Sentry I Click Vote
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    edited December 2018
    Infinity Chaos and Infinity Nightmare
    So obvious it was this one, I mean this boss fight with thanos had new features where he gained more powers with different infinity stones which surprises me since Kabam hasn't been implenting those new features into any other fight. Please bring it back where an enemy can change him/herselfs powers through certain thresholds mid game with short cutscenes.

    Or you could bring similar features to make fights even more interesting and fun.
  • Maldroit2Maldroit2 Member Posts: 739 ★★★
    The Cabal Saga (Masacre and the Mercs for Money, Enter the Cabal, X-Men: Class Omega, Night Riders)
    How many other video games do you know of where you can a guy made of solid gold, and a Mexican priest with a flaming baseball bat? June also had the funniest line.
    "Your no Blade."
    "At least I don't need synergies to be overpowered!"
  • Jdub1250Jdub1250 Member Posts: 38
    Blood and Venom: Symbiomancer
    I miss my little symbiote
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Brawl in the Battlerealm
    Whododo872 wrote: »
    Maldroit2 wrote: »
    How many other video games do you know of where you can a guy made of solid gold, and a Mexican priest with a flaming baseball bat? June also had the funniest line.
    "Your no Blade."
    "At least I don't need synergies to be overpowered!"



    My favourite line in that Quest, and maybe any quest, by FAR!
  • Greifmaster911Greifmaster911 Member Posts: 316 ★★
    Infinity Chaos and Infinity Nightmare
    I gotta go with this, best quest to me, just hope its continued on with Avengers 4 or ties in with the cabal
  • The Cabal Saga (Masacre and the Mercs for Money, Enter the Cabal, X-Men: Class Omega, Night Riders)
    I can't say no to some Deadpool.

    Return to the Micro-Realm was a close second for me though, I loved seeing that background and asteroid set again; it'd been so long since we used it in Mystery in the Micro-Realm.
  • SociopathSociopath Member Posts: 101
    Blood and Venom: Symbiomancer
    Think I chose rite.
    I wasnt here for the first choice but through out the best and most memorable part was my pet sym. He allowed me to take on a new level of difficulty (epic/UC) and learn more and gather rewards that was not possible for me at my level in the game. Absolutely fantastic!!
    Other than that I would say the Gwenpool goes to the movies part (whichever section that is part of)
    Pet sym was far too superior in my eyes tho.
    I would of loved the Thanos one I think more than all but for me it was incredibly over-tuned for hc at that time for me, so I could not sample it realistically.
  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    Infinity Chaos and Infinity Nightmare
    Pretty much a no-brainer.
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    gwenpool goes to the movies
  • spktobalaspktobala Member Posts: 43
    Blood and Venom: Symbiomancer
    Love my little symbiote
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