Problems with persistent charges [Merged Threads]



  • muddy17muddy17 Member Posts: 232

    no persistent charges.. took tech path. both Dr.Oct and og ultron.. as u can see no charges.
  • muddy17muddy17 Member Posts: 232
    this is not the same... i have the visual charge.. but none obtained from completing tech mission... no cruelty buff during fight
  • muddy17muddy17 Member Posts: 232
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    I'm sorry to hear you're facing this issue. We're currently aware of a matter involving Persistent Charge, but can you please post your screenshot and give us more details to verify if the issues are the same? Thank you!
  • Batwing2000Batwing2000 Member Posts: 64
    Guys I'm not able to see my persistent charges over my champs
  • Batwing2000Batwing2000 Member Posts: 64
  • SpeedbumpSpeedbump Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★
    Those ppl that you mentioned are FORUM moderators, not in game support. If your having trouble in the game go to in game support. Find the gear icon and submit a ticket,
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,509 ★★★★★
    Try to restar the game shuld fix it for a wall
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    You could never see them to begin with unless in the hero select screen when going into battle. Though i agree that kabam should allow us to see it outside of the hero select screen
  • ÉpicoÉpico Member Posts: 93
    Hello a few hours ago I was in AQ using corvus. Beat the racoon (tech) and cap America (avengers). Next time I login I want to use corvus again. The persistent charges logo did not even appear. Took down a tech champ. Go on later and the persistent charges logo reappeared, but with 0 charges. I should have had 2.
    Would like to get an explanation as to why this important aspect of the champion works without consistency.
    Some pictures attached. Thank you
    In-game user : Epico!

  • 1ST_PLT_M3D1C1ST_PLT_M3D1C Member Posts: 12
    Using my Corvus in Tier 3 Basic Catalyst quest, I fought duped versions of Spiderman (Peter Parker/ Original), Spiderman (Miles Morales), and Moon Knight. I've KO'd all three using Heavy Attack as the final hit. I've also used Heavy Attack during the fights.

    I did not receive a persistent charge for either for their evade abilities as shown in their character attributes/ abilities.

    I've had the same issue is various quests and AW. Please address/ resolve.
  • 1ST_PLT_M3D1C1ST_PLT_M3D1C Member Posts: 12
    Using my Corvus in Tier 3 Basic Catalyst quest, I fought duped versions of Spiderman (Peter Parker/ Original), Spiderman (Miles Morales), and Moon Knight. I've KO'd all three using Heavy Attack as the final hit. I've also used Heavy Attack during the fights.

    I did not receive a persistent charge for either for their evade abilities as shown in their character attributes/ abilities.

    I've had the same issue is various quests and AW. Please address/ resolve.
  • TaimurKhanTaimurKhan Member Posts: 119
    Using my Corvus in Tier 3 Basic Catalyst quest, I fought duped versions of Spiderman (Peter Parker/ Original), Spiderman (Miles Morales), and Moon Knight. I've KO'd all three using Heavy Attack as the final hit. I've also used Heavy Attack during the fights.

    I did not receive a persistent charge for either for their evade abilities as shown in their character attributes/ abilities.

    I've had the same issue is various quests and AW. Please address/ resolve.

    Same happened to multiple occasions. Corvus didn't get charges from evade.
  • Z3ROZ3RO Member Posts: 19
  • DucimusDucimus Member Posts: 32
    I haven't seen any notes or other posts to this effect but, if I'm incorrect, my apologies. Otherwise, i just wanted to flag the fact that the icon to denote Modok's persistent charge (you know, that blue star-type image) seems to be missing from his profile pic. I've attached to pics below to show what i mean. The icon is missing from Modok's profile pic but it is there for Corvus.

    Not that it's a huge deal but one of the side effect is that we can no longer scout the match up screen to anticipate whether or not we are about to fight Modok in Alliance War.

  • shazamsmashshazamsmash Member Posts: 13
    If he's unawakened persistent charge won't show.
  • PlagueisBanePlagueisBane Member Posts: 232
    needs dupe.
  • DucimusDucimus Member Posts: 32
    Alrighty then, thx for the insight.
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