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WW2 cutoff prediction

AakashAakash Posts: 340
Ill predict 4.2M. What do you guys think?


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    SpeedbumpSpeedbump Posts: 1,520 ★★★
    Sounds about right to me. Roughly
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    I predict 8M

    Jk i say 5M at least
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    AppleisgodAppleisgod Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    3.5 mil top
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    GbSarkarGbSarkar Posts: 1,075 ★★★
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    3 to 4
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    hurricanthurricant Posts: 525 ★★★
    $1 BOB
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    Mad_RagewolfMad_Ragewolf Posts: 103
    just make 3.5 and above to be safe...
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    myPUNCAKEmyPUNCAKE Posts: 359
    3.5 to be safe. He is a repeatibe basic that has been in the game for quite some time.
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    Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I went for him when he was the featured and since then I've pulled him twice from 4* crystals and one from a phc after getting 412 in the old system and just missing out on him
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    explorershaneexplorershane Posts: 34
    2.8 tops
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    Jimbojames23Jimbojames23 Posts: 70
    Yeah I'm not sure what all you guys are smoking but he isn't going above 3, anyone who doesn't have him I seriously recommend picking him up but he's been around a long time and a wide range of players already have him, I'm guessing the 4-5mill predictions are either new players or people who are salty over not getting hype/GP/voodoo??
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    TheOneAndOnlyTheOneAndOnly Posts: 690 ★★★
    3 million to 4 million is probably the range he will go in. He has been around for quite some time, but he is not as common as original Cappy. Plus I think a lot of people want him to dupe him.
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    hurricanthurricant Posts: 525 ★★★
    1 dollar BOB!
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    TheOneAndOnlyTheOneAndOnly Posts: 690 ★★★
    hurricant wrote: »
    1 dollar BOB!

    Price is wrong, Bob!
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    LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Posts: 8,643 ★★★★★
    I think 3.5 is safe. Magik went for 3 and there is a new champ for featured.
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    I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Posts: 646 ★★
    edited July 2017
    3 million to 4 million is probably the range he will go in. He has been around for quite some time, but he is not as common as original Cappy. Plus I think a lot of people want him to dupe him.

    Basic cannot be duped, it's just a single SIG point.

    I think cutoff could be lower because many cheaters, sharers, etc were banned. Just look the huge down in the 2nd GP round.
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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 18,989 Guardian
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    3 million to 4 million is probably the range he will go in. He has been around for quite some time, but he is not as common as original Cappy. Plus I think a lot of people want him to dupe him.

    Basic cannot be duped, it's just a single SIG point.

    I think most people still call that being duped, as it is in fact duplicating the champ.
    I think cutoff could be lower because many cheaters, sharers, etc were banned. Just look the huge down in the 2nd GP round.

    Gwenpool's drop in round two was almost identical to Voodoo's round two drop, and even digging deeper into the scoring I don't think there's any evidence the bans materially altered arena cutoffs. I'm sure some number of grinders were banned, but not enough to show an obvious change in scoring.
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    MonasouMonasou Posts: 143
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    I think cutoff could be lower because many cheaters, sharers, etc were banned. Just look the huge down in the 2nd GP round.

    The timing of the ban wave was pretty important. it was just after 24 hours in so those people who got banned were already above 150k but couldn't go any higher.

    Adding to that a lot of people expected it to be 5.8M-6M again so plenty of people didn't bother doing the grind fearing they would waste their time again. some of the people who could have pushed the cutoff higher didn't put in the points on day 1 since they didn't know the ban wave was going to reduce the competition.

    Then the T4B arena started on the 3rd day so some people had to put points there instead of GP arena.

    Not to mention the second round is during the work week so a good chunk of people just naturally have reduced playtime.

    anyways im guessing around 2.5M-3M for captain america since he's good but has been around for a while and T4B was going on when his arena started. His second arena will probably be even lower since grinding the rewards from featured gets you way more shards for the effort and just adding 1 sig level to most champs isnt worth anything.
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    unknownunknown Posts: 378
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    I_am_Groot wrote: »
    3 million to 4 million is probably the range he will go in. He has been around for quite some time, but he is not as common as original Cappy. Plus I think a lot of people want him to dupe him.

    Basic cannot be duped, it's just a single SIG point.

    I think most people still call that being duped, as it is in fact duplicating the champ.
    I think cutoff could be lower because many cheaters, sharers, etc were banned. Just look the huge down in the 2nd GP round.

    Gwenpool's drop in round two was almost identical to Voodoo's round two drop, and even digging deeper into the scoring I don't think there's any evidence the bans materially altered arena cutoffs. I'm sure some number of grinders were banned, but not enough to show an obvious change in scoring.

    I think you're wrong. Many predicted the lower cutoff because of the ban, and it seems they were right. We will see in future featured's, but I believe the ban caused the drop.
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    CrazyMeowCrazyMeow Posts: 1
    I am at 3.3 million now. will get around 3.6 or 3.7 and wait anxiously. >:)
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