Mastery setup doesn't seem to freeze after entering AQ/AW

I noticed that 2nd time in a row my Mastery setup didn't stay the way it should - same as at moment of entering AQ (also AW last time).
I run LC and DE for questing and Arenas but take them out and use setup more suitable for AW defence, AQ and usually for AW attack too (no need to go into details - guess that's clear already). It used to stay at state present upon entering but it doesn't anymore - I started AQ clearly and obviously without "suicides" but now they magically turned on - I had LC and DE ticking and taking my health while not sure if I even actually had the extra attack power present - not my point though - I spend A LOT of units on changing Mastery and not having time for grinding actually had to buy unit packs to do so several times - the bug (unannounced change but doubt it's intentional on your side is costing me money and in game frustration!!! I'd like the issue addressed and my unit purchases refunded or some other form of satisfactory compensation as well as clear explanation what current Mastery changing rules are (and what are they meant to be). Here also suggestion - other games using Mastey type of system (like World of Warcraft on which I suspect quite few of MCoC features are inspired) use "double spec" option allowing for having two spec setups and switching between them. Many players would appreciate!
I run LC and DE for questing and Arenas but take them out and use setup more suitable for AW defence, AQ and usually for AW attack too (no need to go into details - guess that's clear already). It used to stay at state present upon entering but it doesn't anymore - I started AQ clearly and obviously without "suicides" but now they magically turned on - I had LC and DE ticking and taking my health while not sure if I even actually had the extra attack power present - not my point though - I spend A LOT of units on changing Mastery and not having time for grinding actually had to buy unit packs to do so several times - the bug (unannounced change but doubt it's intentional on your side is costing me money and in game frustration!!! I'd like the issue addressed and my unit purchases refunded or some other form of satisfactory compensation as well as clear explanation what current Mastery changing rules are (and what are they meant to be). Here also suggestion - other games using Mastey type of system (like World of Warcraft on which I suspect quite few of MCoC features are inspired) use "double spec" option allowing for having two spec setups and switching between them. Many players would appreciate!
I usually run a setup with Glass Cannon, Recoil and maxed both Liquid Courage and Double Edge for Arena and harder Quests but I remove those and put points in Limber, Mystic Dyspersion etc instead before placing my Alliance War defenders as I want to be useful for my Alliance (especially that we are currently using my Rank 5 Juggenraut as BG boss).
I also enter Alliance Quest with same setup as for defenders - we are doing Map 5 - my offensive setup isn't Healblock friendly. If I can I also enter Alliance War Attack Phase in that setup too. So far I guess it's all clear this time.
After I do all that if I want to do Arena or Master mode of Event Quest etc I switch Mastery back to bereserker mode which I prefer for that.
And here's the problem - it's meant to be that Mastery setup, signature levels and all attributes for the champions "freeze" at moment I enter Quest or AW etc and are meant to stay that way for he duration of that event. So if I change Mastery afterward it should not affect champs within that mode (quest, AW, AQ etc).
It costs me around 170 units to change from my "berserker" mode to the reasonable AW/AQ friendly mode (as described in detail above). I used to find it worth it as I don't need potions or revives in either modes and enjoy playing that way. I have pretty much opened most Masteries I wanted (except maxing Mystic Dyspersion - still working on it) and find spending units on crystals a waste so changing specs seems like reasonable use, although it is annoying I have to spend them especially that it seems to have stopped working now. That's my point!
You can see example of my more aggresive "berserker" setup below - for AQ/AW I **** some points from Attack to Utility ( as described before ) and leave Defence unchanged
That confirms my experience then - my question to Kabam moderators is then which way is it supposed to be then - I was sure that it's meant to be that entering any game mode is meant to freeze state of champs including Mastery setup.
I guess knowing that Kabam has to make their money somehow (and fair enough - why not - they surely do all the hard work not just for fun) it may cost something to unlock - cores, units or like gifting badge in app purchase - whatever (of course I'd prefer it to be free).
Kabam clearly explained that defense was locked in. This is the only place where that is the case and this was ment that way. AQ always reflected your current masteries (or at least should have done so). Having a place where masteries stayed locked in was weird and new when war first came out. In war attack masteries have always changed the moment you changed this, Kabam has awknowledged that that is how it work.