Corvus or blade
I’ve been waiting to rank 4 corvus for weeks for one more t4cc but today I pulled blade and I have an awakening gem so the question is should I rank 4 corvus then work on blade or rank blade up first I have all the t4cc’s I’ll need for blade but am short 1 t1a and a few t4bc’s to take him from rank 1-4. Who should I rank first?
I have both, blade 5/65 and Corvus 4/55. Corvus spends more time fighting then blade. But blade takes 99% of the hardest fights.
Blade need DW 5/5 to have a huge damage on SP2
Definitely Blade
corvus does huge damage from mlm and with 3 or 4 mission charges/ he crits 3k or plus on his m hits (i have corvus at 5r4) and all his specials do a lot of damage but his s3 does the most with his s2 getting notable mention
blade is good for so many reasons as his danger sense is insane with gr and or dorm or mephisto and his infamous s2 but hes the best when duped for his sig ability to regen
so depends what you need and you cant go wrong but with blade and his duped ability of regen id pick him over corvus tbh
I currently have 3 points in DW I am saving for cores to max it out though