Is Hawkeye worth rank 4 as a 5 star

I have a duped 5 star hawk eye at rank 2 I have enough resources to take him to rank 4. He will be my first rank 4 5 star as my 5 star luck is not great. Should I take him to up or use my catalyst on other champs .
And I may open featured at the end of the month
Edit : my bad didn’t see the screenshot. Rank up AA
Having said that, unless you absolutely have to rank someone right now, I would wait until you get a better champ.
I HE was my first r4 and he's been great, but it was a very different game back then. So many better options now.
EDIT: didn't see AA there. He is a decent choice as well but is much better duped.
That's a waste of an extra 5k shards IMO.
I think Hawkeye is great, though his awakened ability isn't that huge. Great for power control and even w/o the awakened ability, a good bleed. I have a 5* I need to get around to taking to rank 3, but I wouldn't use any T2a on him.
The thing that makes Hawkeye decent for an old champ is the power control. You don't need him at R4 for that.
But yeahhh... If this is your first r4. Maybe HE is not your priority. You can wait for other champ like domino, corvus, hyperion, aegon etc.
But... Yeah HE worth for a rank 4. When i duped and have overflow resource. I will rank him 5.
But not over unduped AA. You have AA, that will clear so much content. Dont over think the fact he is not woke.
Many great responses in this thread, BTW.
My first R4. Absolutely worth it. I have several now, even sitting on 9 t2a, but his power control and bleed are both very useful.
As for your original question, HELL YES. Hawkeye is worth R4, especially duped. Power control champs are extremely valuable and it seems there are way to few of them in the game. And in addition to some of the easiest and most reliable power control in the game Hawkeye also has some decent bleeds. Since you were lucky enough to awaken him, one of those bleeds per fight has a chance to become a Hemorhage, for extreme bleeding.
Rank up both Hawkeye AND Archangel at your nearest opportunity. With regards to the rest of your 5* roster, I hope your 5* luck gets better.