Which Cosmic Champion is the best? *FINAL*

Luca_KLuca_K Member Posts: 18
Choose your favourite cosmic champion ;)
Now it's the final. Vote for your favourite :)

Which Cosmic Champion is the best? *FINAL* 225 votes

Spity68ScottryanJohnLocke117Wakanda4Ever278 4 votes
Corvus Glaive
GKainedanielmathCELEZEFrostyRiise81INTEGRALOllyoxenfreeabiew78FallencircusManup456DrownedGodnanoibarraTheryback2478DonAngelusBlackSaChiCoBfan1987SuvenduGreifmaster911DoctorJ 77 votes
TacoScottyNonuMarkjv81BigPoppaCBONEthetaman23LeNoirFaineantMr_Platypusbelli300HosemaniaTheManMythLegendmmmbanyaszuffyTheVyrusWhiteManHenrytfu_41Oogie77TeddersnebSungjDarkrider05 102 votes
Clobberin_TimesamalasravanErza_ScarletLoPrestiCrkwestYotzDelta_14Kaks0053HasnandooVeryCoolUserNameJdub1250axelelf_1Duke_SilverThorrealWorthySassyMastyXxLoganTDCxXShadow_PhoneiximShakibEdgecrusher_13Rockypantherx 29 votes
MegaSkater67KILLERhydrogohardOrcDovahkiinDankestChefAvengers320doctorbColinwhitworth69YubelHector_1475Ajc10Drooped2Luca_K 13 votes


  • Crimsontide1616Crimsontide1616 Member Posts: 303 ★★
    OneManArmy wrote: »
    It seriously aint close at all!! sure cosmic is stacked with some great champs these days. but Hype is far above the rest. dude can be used anywhere! with one of the highest dmg in the game, relies on nothing but his own awesomeness, and a bunch of utility.

    heck, hes not just the best cosmic. hes the best overall champion of all classes

    Completely agree- rank 5 Hyperion destroys
  • Hulk_77Hulk_77 Member Posts: 782 ★★★
    Venom the Duck
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  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    zeezee57 wrote: »
    OneManArmy wrote: »
    belli300 wrote: »
    This isn’t even a question if Hyperion is include the poll should exclude him and ask who is the 2nd cosmic champ after Hyperion 😂

    for real... how so many people choose corvus baffles me.. now i love my r4 5* but he i limited af!!!

    Disagree there. He's limited in that you're not using him to take down 200k health pools but outside of that, which is a very limited amount of content, Corvus is quite viable for most everything else.
    He’s good for short fights. I like Corvus a lot but hyp is just awesome
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    Corvus Glaive
    The answer is Corvus, and it's quite frankly not close.

    For those staying hypes better, where exactly? Not lol, Hype needs his furies to hit hard, and few champs give you that opening to heavy counter. Meanwhile its very easy to get 4 charges with Corvus and do an easy 200k dmg per run, more if you refresh charges. Sounds bad for lol, but some fights like blue team cyclops benefit from having front loaded damage.

    Corvus helped me 100% the maze, again front loaded damage is very helpful. If anyone is going to be useless, its hype vs stun immune nodes. Meanwhile I'm using Corvus to one shot 3.1 and 3.2 ultron bosses.
  • Ebbi23987Ebbi23987 Member Posts: 76
    Corvus Glaive
    Innit man. Corvus takes down people in 5.4 in like 30 hits with only 1 or 2 missions completed! Love hype too but corvus is just a next level god.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    I honestly have a hard time picking a best. Corvus is great for legend runs and AW/AQ... Hyperion is great for LOL and hard content.

    Each has a unique purpose and are equally great, but for different reasons.
  • OllyoxenfreeOllyoxenfree Member Posts: 251
    Corvus Glaive
    OneManArmy wrote: »
    zeezee57 wrote: »
    OneManArmy wrote: »
    belli300 wrote: »
    This isn’t even a question if Hyperion is include the poll should exclude him and ask who is the 2nd cosmic champ after Hyperion 😂

    for real... how so many people choose corvus baffles me.. now i love my r4 5* but he i limited af!!!

    Disagree there. He's limited in that you're not using him to take down 200k health pools but outside of that, which is a very limited amount of content, Corvus is quite viable for most everything else.

    no its not, hes barely viable for act 5. he wont be usable for act 6 at all. variant, the maze, lol, even rol. just about any future content. i really dont even see this as a opinion matter, he just isnt comparable to someone like hype

    Are you kidding me? Corvus was insanely useful for act 5. Once I got him I managed to plow through act 5 barely using any pots or units. Clearly you aren’t using him right. An S2 that consistently hits over 100k, medium hits always over 10k. Hype is niche but his damage is no where near corvus.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    TKal wrote: »
    OneManArmy wrote: »
    It seriously aint close at all!! sure cosmic is stacked with some great champs these days. but Hype is far above the rest. dude can be used anywhere! with one of the highest dmg in the game, relies on nothing but his own awesomeness, and a bunch of utility.

    heck, hes not just the best cosmic. hes the best overall champion of all classes

    « With one of the highest damages in the game » Not anymore

    « Relies on nothing but his own awesomeness » Relies HEAVILY on stun.

    « A bunch of utility » Where ? All he has is damages, what utility does he have besides poison immune ? What does he do against power gain ? Rage ? Masochism ? Buffet ? Stun immune ?

    actually, spamming sp1 counters rage pretty well, as well as safeguard or any other limited damage node. you can also not use any sps and keep his cosmic charges, wich will give decent attack and block increase and stop his power gain, so no buffs or debuffs there. he's only bad vs md and maybe evade champs. one more bad thing is he needs to be duped. you can take down elektro easily with hype. also poison immune, so no problems with abom. corvus is good for aw, but out of it not even close.
  • Solrac_2Solrac_2 Member Posts: 497 ★★
    CG not usable for Variant or Act 5 is completely laughable, as is saying that Hyp is the best champ in the game. Hyp is the one of the best in the game for sure though.
  • Iron_Patriot_is_litIron_Patriot_is_lit Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    Corvus Glaive
    For those who voted carnage can we get an explanation for why you think he’s the best?
  • BlackSaChiBlackSaChi Member Posts: 298
    Corvus Glaive
    xNig wrote: »
    Why no Kamala Khan? :(

    unfortunately I can do only one time LOL on ur comment, so here it is:

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  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Hyperion? I thought this was best champ, not best cheat code. I hate the whole concept of him, attack AND defense. Carnage has balance, I like that.

    Being a cheat code doesn't disqualify you from being the best lmao. SW was the best cheat code and the best champ at the same time back in the day. Balance is fine, but Carnage is in no way the best cosmic champ. I don't have Corvus so I can't say whether he is better than Hype, but Hype is easily the best otherwise.
  • YotzYotz Member Posts: 117
    All that bickering is pointless. Medusa rules them all. Closed thread.
  • Crimsontide1616Crimsontide1616 Member Posts: 303 ★★
    If you have a rank 5 Hyperion you know who the best is- I have a rank 5 Hyperion, Blade, Void, and a 6 star Corvus- not bragging just saying- hyperion EASILY outdamages them all- Hyperion can do more damage in a single special two than my six star Corvus can do with 20 glaive charges; this is based on my experience. I agree that Hyperion is the best champ in the game and he benefits from rank 5 like a mofo

    Can’t we just all agree that the cosmic class is strong and both champs are fantastic

    And before the Corvus cult comes to sacrifice me, Corvus will be my next rank up and first rank 2 six star. He is very vey good but Hyperion is the God of the contest
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  • KelvinKageKelvinKage Member Posts: 372 ★★★
    Aleor wrote: »
    TKal wrote: »
    OneManArmy wrote: »
    It seriously aint close at all!! sure cosmic is stacked with some great champs these days. but Hype is far above the rest. dude can be used anywhere! with one of the highest dmg in the game, relies on nothing but his own awesomeness, and a bunch of utility.

    heck, hes not just the best cosmic. hes the best overall champion of all classes

    « With one of the highest damages in the game » Not anymore

    « Relies on nothing but his own awesomeness » Relies HEAVILY on stun.

    « A bunch of utility » Where ? All he has is damages, what utility does he have besides poison immune ? What does he do against power gain ? Rage ? Masochism ? Buffet ? Stun immune ?

    actually, spamming sp1 counters rage pretty well, as well as safeguard or any other limited damage node. you can also not use any sps and keep his cosmic charges, wich will give decent attack and block increase and stop his power gain, so no buffs or debuffs there. he's only bad vs md and maybe evade champs. one more bad thing is he needs to be duped. you can take down elektro easily with hype. also poison immune, so no problems with abom. corvus is good for aw, but out of it not even close.

    Completely agree. From my experience the only node Hype is bad on is buffet. Everything else is easy or manageable.
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Foxhero007 wrote: »
    Kamala Khan is the best

    Nah groots better
  • SassyMastySassyMasty Member Posts: 315
    I've had a 4* hyperion for a long time and still I chose my 4* medusa to rank over him. I almost never use him.

    I'll take 6 furies and armor shatter over 3 or 4 from a heavy. Plus cosmic regeneration isn't that great and the power gain seems gimmicky to me.

    Maybe in the future I'll max my 4* hype out but there are better champs.
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