Voodoo interaction with The Thing [NOT A BUG]

The Thing was released, a very interesting champion with super unique ability: Immune to nullify (don't know why tho).
Voodoo has the ability to nullify buffs and loas to poison or CONVERT to power drain
Let's try and distinguish between convert and nullify:

I can understand that in sp1 scenario he nullify the loas and convert to poison, this won't work against The Thing, BUT on SP2 it's clearly written that he CONVERTS the loas to power burn buff. Unfortunately, this is not the case, When I trigger sp2 on even combo (awakened voodoo), I get Immune message and nothing happens.
If this is not a bug, it's a HUGE indirect nerf to voodoo, Champion who already bugged for over 2 years (with short dash back and sp2 chain issues).
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra I appriciate if you can take this issue to developers and clarify it.
Thank you
Voodoo has the ability to nullify buffs and loas to poison or CONVERT to power drain
Let's try and distinguish between convert and nullify:

I can understand that in sp1 scenario he nullify the loas and convert to poison, this won't work against The Thing, BUT on SP2 it's clearly written that he CONVERTS the loas to power burn buff. Unfortunately, this is not the case, When I trigger sp2 on even combo (awakened voodoo), I get Immune message and nothing happens.
If this is not a bug, it's a HUGE indirect nerf to voodoo, Champion who already bugged for over 2 years (with short dash back and sp2 chain issues).
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra I appriciate if you can take this issue to developers and clarify it.
Thank you
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
@Primmer79 I think it was during the MD changes time frame.
That would make sense. I found one thread talking about when the bug with Angela was fixed, but no mod confirmation
Try looking for threads with Medusa and MD. I remember there was a discussion on Voodoo and Medusa's fury's.
To "convert" means to nullify and gain power burn buffs equal to the nullify, up to 3.
No matter how you call it, they made voodoo not usable at all against him, this leaves only one champion who can beat him on AON node in AW and it's stark coz he can taunt specials.
Loas are buffs without any effect, The Thing shouldn't be immune to converting this buffs to powerburn, I do want to get a clarification about it from dev team
So you're crying because you can't use your precious 5/65 Voodoo on AON if the Thing is on it. Seriously?
there's plenty other champs that can beat him on AON (with an invul boost)
You missing the point and answering like a child (check the thing sp3...), I will ignore it and direct the my question to Kabam.
All I want is to get clarification regarding sp2 behavior that is really different from sp1 regarding loas
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra
Also, in regards to your question about Champions with Taunt, Emma Frost and Night Thrasher also have access to Taunt.
Thank you for clarifying it, still sad that voodoo took such a hard hit on this
This trend is getting ridiculous
Thing is a Science Champ, and as such should be a counter to Mystic Champions and Mystic abilities. Most Science Champions don't gain Buffs, so they don't have to worry about Mystic Champions taking them away, but since Thing does, he also has a way to stop Mystics from Nullifying them.
I appreciate your answer, but I also remember that you always talked about balance in the game. Making champion who fully nullify immune, even to buffs with no effects like loas it’s one of the biggest unbalanced things developers did.
Loas, as buffs with no effect, should be free from nullify at least on power burn to keep some balance.
When Voodoo uses a Sp2 with loas on his opponent, since that is a “nullify” event, with MD in place that “nullify” event should result in additional power gain commensurate with the level of MD the Summoner has (assuming loas get converted by the Sp2 into power burn debuffs).
If correct, can someone confirm that this actually happens?
Dr. Zola
It dos works to.