Is DUP 6* Guillotine WORTH R2 ?? >> FUTURE OF MCOC.

I'm THRILLED I dupd 6* Guilly & almost have resources to R2 her other undup 6*s are Sentinel,RH,GG,Storm
other 5*s worth mentioning are R5 DrV
R4s Magik,SMse,Iceman,Quake
R3s dup GP,CM,WS,Venom,Hulk
undup Masacre,KM,imiw,Heimdall,medusa,GR,Hyp
Basically, 1/2 guys in new alli were QUICK shoot down R2ing Guilly, citing low block, lack of armor break, nullify, & overall functionality. (as compared to other Mystics) & in a game where U cant always see who your gonna fight, U would hit a brick wall, if surprised with Omega Red,Cable,LC,Korg & many others
1/2 guys in my friends list said ABSOLUTELY DO IT, R2 her....
other 1/2, after they were done laughing, said NO, DONT R2 her.
R2 Sentinel or RH, if ya gotta rank a 6*
Some argued 6*s are the future, some said its better to invest in 5* R5s.
HERE's my Questions
****Doesnt her 10% per 4 souls health steal WORK ON DAMAGE GIVEN?
As in, if I R2 & her HIT goes from 2,000 to 2,600
doesnt that mean, she' ll health steal, slightly more health,
then she would at R1, because she's hitting harder at R2?****
8 souls = 20% health steal CHANCE? 12 souls = 30%? 16 souls = 40%?
in end game stuff, where you have to evade, ...about everything, with zero hits, & even block damage can take half your life during a fight,
wouldn't a dup R2 6* guilly be semi-god like ? Wouldnt she shine in act 6?
ANY whispers of a Guilly buff or game changing synergy on horizon ??
(aware of MS synergy, dont have as 5..yet. fingers crossed)
with that champ list,... What would you do?
I noticed Venom has great synergies with both 6* GG & Guilly, .. R4 worthy?
(& Heindall also benefits guilly & ya cant beat whole team synergy)
Is there more value in R2ing Sentinel or RH? (assuming i ever pull a Domino)
other 5*s worth mentioning are R5 DrV
R4s Magik,SMse,Iceman,Quake
R3s dup GP,CM,WS,Venom,Hulk
undup Masacre,KM,imiw,Heimdall,medusa,GR,Hyp
Basically, 1/2 guys in new alli were QUICK shoot down R2ing Guilly, citing low block, lack of armor break, nullify, & overall functionality. (as compared to other Mystics) & in a game where U cant always see who your gonna fight, U would hit a brick wall, if surprised with Omega Red,Cable,LC,Korg & many others
1/2 guys in my friends list said ABSOLUTELY DO IT, R2 her....
other 1/2, after they were done laughing, said NO, DONT R2 her.
R2 Sentinel or RH, if ya gotta rank a 6*
Some argued 6*s are the future, some said its better to invest in 5* R5s.
HERE's my Questions
****Doesnt her 10% per 4 souls health steal WORK ON DAMAGE GIVEN?
As in, if I R2 & her HIT goes from 2,000 to 2,600
doesnt that mean, she' ll health steal, slightly more health,
then she would at R1, because she's hitting harder at R2?****
8 souls = 20% health steal CHANCE? 12 souls = 30%? 16 souls = 40%?
in end game stuff, where you have to evade, ...about everything, with zero hits, & even block damage can take half your life during a fight,
wouldn't a dup R2 6* guilly be semi-god like ? Wouldnt she shine in act 6?
ANY whispers of a Guilly buff or game changing synergy on horizon ??
(aware of MS synergy, dont have as 5..yet. fingers crossed)
with that champ list,... What would you do?
I noticed Venom has great synergies with both 6* GG & Guilly, .. R4 worthy?
(& Heindall also benefits guilly & ya cant beat whole team synergy)
Is there more value in R2ing Sentinel or RH? (assuming i ever pull a Domino)
At the very least congrats again. Still a really great pull.
So, Guilly only has 10% chance (ever? regaurdless of sign &/or rank? class adv?) to get the %percentage% health steal,
for EACH 4 souls, she has??...
As in, with 25% sign,. if she crits 1,000
she'll heal 250?
if it procs, with 8 souls, it doubles health steal?
same 1k hit = 500 health steal?
12 souls triples it?
1k hit = 750 ?
Yes that’s how it works. 10% chance is static no matter how high her sig is. The only thing that increases is the amount of health stolen.
Dupe 6* guilly is cool. But when you have r4 spark, magik and others sitting waiting, it sounds crazy to me. Why invest heavy resources in a mid tier champ when you could invest slightly less in god tiers?
To each their own. Do what works for you.
feel pretty foolish about all of em.
AND is more viable for overall game use..... which sux cuz i luv PLAYING Guilly.
IF she had armor break & NULLIFY or even the ability to **power drain on sp3**
i'd definitely rank her over Sentinel,,...
but Sentinel is just more functional for game.
gotta think about this one A LONG TIME, before pulling the trigger.
as for guillotine, her main use for me is heal reversal. and she needs to stack souls to fire sp2 heal reversal, if I remember it correctly. so, she's not that good vs opponents with ton of hp. if you have 5* or even 4* void, I wouldn't rank her up. actually wouldn't r5 5* void as well.
I would r2 her
Her bleed, regen and special 3 is amazing. The most ive healed from a single from memory was 4.8k.
If it was upto me i would do it.
& i know this like asking when/where the next rainbow appears, but
WHAT TIME OF YEAR does Kabam release buffed champs?
when were buffed Rulk & LC released ?
unfortunately, they JUST did Venom & Carnage, so
who do i gotta bribe to find out if Guilly, is in that batch ?
( She REALLLY does need a rework, to include armor break & nullify)
I r2 my sentinel and never looked back.. Amazing champ
with or without suicides (plz state) - I'd luv to see health & hit ...
but, i didnt find any1 with a dup guilly, either
R2 Red hulk?