If you could chose the next 2 champions to buff, who would they be?
you can say why too if you want! i’d chose antman and spidergwen. antman was my first 4* and it makes me sad i can’t really use him for anything. spidergwen is one of my favorite comic characters and she’s just a meme in this game.
#1 Colossus
#2 Magneto
#3 X-Force Deadpool
Daredevil netflix
Let colossus be everyone's favorite meme champ.
Magneto, DPXF and Colossus probably need it more though.
Colossus and Magneto. Those are the worst. Hulkbuster should just be removed from the game.
Spider Gwen
- just as a matter of three other options. All the rest mentioned are super valid