Who should my next rank 4 4* be?
I need the community's help deciding.
Who should my next rank 4 4* be? 49 votes
Elektra (Sig 37)
2 votes
2 votes
1 vote
26 votes
Hawkeye (Sig 20)
0 votes
Rocket Racoon
1 vote
0 votes
Vision (Age of Ultron)
3 votes
14 votes
Phoenix, Storm, YJ, Hulk, Doc Strange, Cap WW2, Ms Marvel 5*s r2 Iron Man, Black Panther
As a general rule, you should have good champions that satisfy certain needs the game tends to throw at you. You need good sustainable attackers - champions with good offense and some kind of heal to get back block and chip damage. You need champions that can give you good power control. You want a good boss killer - something with high offense that you play well enough to bring down one very hard target. You want champions with immunities: poison and bleed at least. And if you participate in AW you want good defensive champs, and between AW, AQ, and solo questing you need enough attackers for however many of those you do simultaneously.
What you want to do is fill gaps in your needs. Your needs should drive your rank ups. You can ask people for wild guesses, but what you should be doing is learning what those needs are and what champions best address them. That way you can better decide on your own who to rank up, or at least narrow the focus of your questions. "Should I rank up Wolverine or Rogue as my sustainable champ" is a question people can express an educated opinion on. "Should I rank up X-23 or Nightcrawler" is a question no one can really answer without knowing why the choice is between those two in the first place, because they do totally different things.
Rank wolverine. you will not regret it. his heals are top notch, even unawakened. You will be able to ride through content with him and save a bunch of potions. afterwards, rank vision! Vision is a beast. his power burn, heal block, poison and bleed immune will come in handy. When you awaken him he will have power steal.
If he is not awakened he is not worth it. He still heals but no where close to healing if he was duped.
Even unduped he heals enough.