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Worst buff in the game?

ChovnerChovner Posts: 1,194 ★★★★★
I personally think Gambler's fate is the worst buff in the game. Other buffs like Starburst, Spiked Armor, Spite, are all horrible but you can prepare for them and plan your fights with some sort of strategy and still implement skill... Gambler's fate though... :| .... Oh look I have bleed, the poison then bleed, then degen, then power lock.... Oh look the AI has Regen, Power Gain, Power Flood, Bleed, Degen, Unstoppable.... It's just one big cluster F of luck and relying on RNG takes out all the skill.
Would be nice if it just didn't show up anymore.... ever... Like The Maze...

What do you think is the worst buff?


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    SateszSatesz Posts: 49
    Yeah man, but mezmerize also sucks! What I also hate is passive degen( not starburst, degen, like in ultron’s variant) No matter what you do, you take damage, deal with it! :) The others can be worked around somehow...Great post btw
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    Crooked_Sprook1Crooked_Sprook1 Posts: 294 ★★
    Well my least favourite is caltrops. I dodge a lot and before I know it, there 10 stacks of bleed on me
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    FrostyFrosty Posts: 485 ★★★
    Slashed tires for me sucked the most. Dash back take damage, no way around it. At least with caltrops you can use bleed immune
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    Alpha07Alpha07 Posts: 649 ★★
    edited January 2019
    Wasp with Aggression: Fury. please tell me someone more horrible than that.
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    gage201205gage201205 Posts: 576 ★★★
    Yeah this month they found some of the worst champions to out with certain nodes.. I'm surprised they didn't put og Spidey on mesmerize day. Wasp on dismay and aggressive fury is by far the worst I've done so far
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    Hector_1475Hector_1475 Posts: 1,791 ★★★★★
    For me, it's the combination of them that leaves me speechless. In RTTL we have to fight a Vision, with Safeguard and Buff Immunity. Like, really Kabam...?
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    5tarscream5tarscream Posts: 94
    I guess it's so we can't play like wimps. You have to be aggressive and fight because if you just cower in the corner you're gonna die from passive damage.
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    MaatManMaatMan Posts: 958 ★★★
    just hate it....
    i know there are options to counter it...
    but i just god damn hate it...
    the whole interaction with dexterity sucks largely...
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    MaatManMaatMan Posts: 958 ★★★
    zeezee57 wrote: »
    There's quite a few out there that aren't fun or challenging, just b.s. I have zero issue with Caltrops/biohazard etc as they're easily countered, stuff like degen, thorns, starburst, mesmerize has no place in the game IMO. There's no skillful counter to them, they're just "here take damage because why not" and frankly they're not fun at all to deal with. I just don't see any purpose in nodes that just drain your health and that's that. I'd love to hear from the devs why they made those nodes and continue to include them in content, what kind of gaming experience do they believe those nodes provide to their customers and is that the experience they're looking to give us.

    i agree mostly. some that you think dont have counters may very well....

    but END GAMERS.... thats the reason....
    END GAMERS....
    you give them challenging content and they do it easy...
    so kabam had to come up with something to slow them donw...
    make them stop and think...
    cus they blitz through everything to damn quick....

    obviously kabam couldnt come up with anything that was challenging and could be worked around that slowed anyones progression so they started implementing BS in an attempt to control the progression of the END GAMERS.
    but then this didnt work either...
    but they realised something...
    The more BS nodes they bring in... the more money these peeps will spend....
    so they kept going...>
    and there is the vcious circle.
    kabam make bad nodes -> whales spend -> kabam make worse nodes -> whales spend more -> kabam make worse nodes -> whales spend more -> kabam make worse nodes -> whales spend more -> kabam make worse nodes -> whales spend more -> kabam make worse nodes -> whales spend more -> kabam make worse nodes -> whales spend more, etc etc....
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    DshuDshu Posts: 1,503 ★★★★
    Passive degen is by far the worst even gamblers fate can be countered to an extent with duel immunity and champs like gulk
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    zeezee57 wrote: »
    I'd love to hear from the devs why they made those nodes and continue to include them in content, what kind of gaming experience do they believe those nodes provide to their customers and is that the experience they're looking to give us.

    Better to ask their marketing team rather than devs
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    Man i love Gamblers Fate.
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