Should Kabaam introduce Costume Variants?

Instead of creating a separate champion that uses the same character name, as with Cyclops, Deadpool, Magneto, Iron Fist, etc. Kabaam could have us earn or win costume variants, while playing with the same character. Yes/No what do you think?

Should Kabaam introduce Costume Variants? 28 votes

Rich_RyderTerraRikuremaSpiderCoolsTechonefortyColonaut123ChainslayerSiC_Cheddar_123Joat1513Physology101ZoneX95King_JurandFIRE_LORD 13 votes
RagamugginGunnerBodhizenJohnyzeroMrTicTac19992008Fighter092John757PaytoPlayMarvel2289Avengers320OnesuavebroSabrefencerKnordyWelderofortune2MarvellousProximaMidnight_8 15 votes


  • Joat1513Joat1513 Member Posts: 2
    As long as it doesn't become another manner for which kabaam micro-transactions us to death. I think its a nice idea but stop trying to find a way, kabaam, to squeeze more out of us users.
  • SabrefencerSabrefencer Member Posts: 1,433 ★★★
    At this point it'd be impossible to implement. It'd have been a cool idea to start with, but just wouldn't work in how the game has been created.

    There are already way too many "variants" out there (Cyclops, DD, Spider Man, Magneto.....) and they have different abilities. Different skins usually don't provide different abilities instead are just costumes. I agree you can't implement it now with as many variants that there are right now.
  • ProximaMidnight_8ProximaMidnight_8 Member Posts: 285 ★★
    Then this would be too similar to other marvel games like strike force
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