I really appreciate the lunar year gifting event but it would be really appreciated if you make an event for the Muslims new year immigration year or I don't know what is it called in english thanks in advance
I'm not sure if anyone brought it up yet, but why did they not say anything of the new quest that was brought up in the in-game mailbox announcement? I want to know what those rewards are!
I realize I could have just posted my thoughts in this thread and not create a whole new thread (so sorry for the redundancy!):
So I want to preface this by saying I’m not complaining at all, this is merely an observation/recommendation...
It looks like the lunar new year gifting event could potentially benefit in future iterations by adding a couple more milestones to account for the total amount of points possible to earn. If an alliance stays completely together, after today’s gifting of envelopes, it looks like you’d get to 21,600 points, a little more the 6000 points than the last milestone. Then after the next time we get some envelopes to gift later this next week, the total should get to at least 28,000. Seems like an opportunity for more milestones to get built in for future versions of this event. I don’t have an issue with how this is designed, just figure it could benefit alliances with a slight adjustment in the future👍.
Thanks guys the great event Kabam, and happy Lunar New Year!
What do u mean its right
Oh lol didn’t see that. Everybody start making Alt accounts 🥴
Because they are lower crystals. The greater gives greater rewards.
Level 17 is only to join AW, not needed to earn rewards from Alliance Events.
So I want to preface this by saying I’m not complaining at all, this is merely an observation/recommendation...
It looks like the lunar new year gifting event could potentially benefit in future iterations by adding a couple more milestones to account for the total amount of points possible to earn. If an alliance stays completely together, after today’s gifting of envelopes, it looks like you’d get to 21,600 points, a little more the 6000 points than the last milestone. Then after the next time we get some envelopes to gift later this next week, the total should get to at least 28,000. Seems like an opportunity for more milestones to get built in for future versions of this event. I don’t have an issue with how this is designed, just figure it could benefit alliances with a slight adjustment in the future👍.
Thanks guys the great event Kabam, and happy Lunar New Year!