How on earth do I beat Emma Frost on Master Difficulty (EVENT QUEST)

In my 2 years of playing this game, never have I encountered a more unforgiving, aggressive and menacing enemy... ever. Her basic combos are for some reason incredibly unpredictable (than usual) and her SP1 is completely unblockable, you can’t even evade it. Her PI is a mere 8000 and she managed to take out my entire Maxed 4* team (All god tier, all dupped). She takes no damage and deals more damage than some AQ bosses who are waaaay higher PI then her.... What on earth can I possibly do to kill her?
You beat the Collector with only 4* and no revives, yet Emma gives you a hard time? Something smells fishy.
"I've elders bane with 3 stars only"
I've also found it quite tricky to evade her sp1. I think i've done it successfully 2-3 times ever. Honestly you can just about mash your way through 5.2 but stuff like this really raises the bar on how good you need to be.
I guess I'll try dueling her for a while but this game really is training you to be quite skilled even at the Master level.
Some replying “it's reverse controls” doesn’t make evading her unblockable SP1 a simple task. Outside of this month's quest, it was rather easy to just reverse-control evade the 2nd and 3rd parts of her SP1. But in this case you have to be spot-on for what appears to be an initial mind-control portion too, which can be rather difficult to time it just right.
As to her Diamond form, use an Armor Breaker that doesn’t reply on breaking from Parry/Stun. Medussa is good choice, her Heavies cause Break which drops her out of Diamond form.
and even if she does get it, vision is immune to the inverse controls ... so I just have to try to get her timing (which is very VERY tricky .. there are videos out there to help, search youtube .. ) ..
so really best options are:
1) practice like crazy to get used to her timing.
2) practice like crazy to get used to the inverse controls (dumbest mechanic in the entire game, IMHO .. )
3) Use Vision, Ultron, Magneto, or Juggernaut ... to avoid the inverse controls ..
4) use Ghost with Hood synergy to be immune to damage while phased ..
Good luck!
For one, she takes less damage with her ice armor active. And you won't be able to parry her. You'll want an armor break champ to get rid of that.
As for her SP1, it most certainly is possible to evade, and something you'll want to get good at. The controls are just backwards to evade it. (Watch some videos on that).
Also, watch her modes. When she's in fury mode, try to avoid her a bit, and be careful for her SP1. This is when she'll throw it. When she's in defensive mode, just heavy attack her, she won't attack you. But keep her at 1 bar of power. It's easier to evade (with practice).