Rogue with Brawl and Invade

Wow kabam? Really?
Is this how we are supposed to enjoy the game?
I will take the Maze approach to this!
Very dissapointed
Is this how we are supposed to enjoy the game?
I will take the Maze approach to this!
Very dissapointed
Unfortunately this is not about roster or skill. My prestige is almost 10,000 and I have completed every challenge in the game except the maze
The epic trials were straight BS, if you rolled a 5* Iceman on debilitate on trial of the alchemist day, unless you had a ST or Corvus Coldsnap took out 80-90% off a full health 5* R5. Although, i plowed through this Marvel Challenge using 9 revives, 8 of which were on the rogues. Because sometimes instead of dashing back she’d just keep throwing hands at the air till i was in the corner.
He only wants content that his SL can finish
I actually did not even used SL for the first chapter. I used my B team. Carnage Guillotine venom Blade Ronan
None of those here either. Used void with Hawkeye and omega synergy for imiw and bw. Ronan for kk. And yondu for rogue. Wasn’t easy but it’s not supposed to be.
You have few to no counters and you wont do the quest at all. This is NOT about skill. Stop the nonsense
I am not willing to invest units because i dont have the right counters for this quest.
I am not going to engage with you. Corvus quake Hyperion medusa are all champs needed not all at least one of them 4/55.
You are a harraser and a shamer and this is agaisnt the terms of service of the forums aka rules. So stop your childdish behaivor. You actually say nothing positive, so leave me alone bully.
Lol. What? How in the world do you equate that with bullying? I swear, this forum needs a safe space sub forum for our fragile members.
Wow, self-awareness much. Shutting down people who aren't actually attacking you and then, in turn, attacking them in childish behaviour. He didn't shame you, he pointed out and correctly I may add the fact that people have used varied solutions to the challenge and got through with relative ease. You don't need corvus, quake, hyperion or medusa. I used ghost who is pretty much a cheat code for this challenge I admit but people in my alliance and people on Line got through rogue with Hawkeye, Domino, Magik or Yondu with decent success. You say it's not about your skill but then also go on to say you have quake but suck at using her. Yeah, it would be really hard but a skilled player could take out those rogues with a maxed 4 star quake.
This challenge isn't meant for you, at this level content is being designed for diverse rosters that include a variety of counters for a variety of situations with the skill to pilot said counters. If you don't have the roster or the skill wait, work on your roster, rank up champions with more diverse utility and wait for the next challenge.
Like everyone knows how to play with Quake wow
No, I specifically said it would be really hard but you can't say it's not about your skill it's about your roster when your roster has a champion that can counter the fight you are complaining about but you are not skilled enough with her to do it.
5/65 stark and blade
4/55 sabretooth and void
6 star rank 1/25 hood.
Cost me 1 team revive and like 10 singles? All on rogue lol
Thank you for the advice bro!!!
This is what I have left:
I smashed the trials every day. Farming right now. Deciding if I will use that towards this challenge or path 3 of LOL.