Reduced timers for alliance events?

SignumSignum Member Posts: 133
I have been playing MCOC since it’s inception. The new war system has reminded me of how difficult it is to keep up with the game at times. We have 2 alliances that are global, and has players from every corner of the planet. They all face the same issues in time management. We try our very best to accommodate all players time zones and with the current energy systems it is a daunting task. I wanted to take a poll and see what players think about reduced energy timers as a whole, good, bad or indifferent, I would love to get a general consensus on how the community feels about it.

Reduced timers for alliance events? 23 votes

Reduce the energy timers in AQ and AW
BadrosezuffyPcc880MSRDLDSignumborntohulaG0311PaulinodasilvRepto23KnightZeroAwfulgamer1_IlovecrystalsPEKKACHU 13 votes
Reduce the energy timers in AQ
Sixshot1YouconfusedsbdjdkZJoeP 4 votes
Reduce the energy timers in AW
Do not reduce the energy timers, the current system is fine.
GamerAddyosI_ZERO_ICupidDonDudu2809PlanetSaturn 6 votes


  • borntohulaborntohula Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    Reduce the energy timers in AQ and AW
    I just posted a similar idea in the official thread. It’s the only logical solution. They could make boosts last an x number of fights instead of an x amount of time to conpensate for potential revenue loss.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    I would rather see an increase in energy.stored than reduced timers, give us 8 energy so we aren't wasting any while asleep or at work.
  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 833 ★★★
    Reduce the energy timers in AQ and AW
    Either both timers or like kpatrix suggested, a higher energy limit. it sucks to playing around work or not being able to fully sleep cause you'll need to make a move
  • IlovecrystalsIlovecrystals Member Posts: 14
    Reduce the energy timers in AQ and AW
    Kpatrix wrote: »
    I would rather see an increase in energy.stored than reduced timers, give us 8 energy so we aren't wasting any while asleep or at work.

    Thats a good suggestion also
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