Ever had a worse pull than this?

So I saved up for several months and dropped a whopping 90,000 shards on Iceman crystals. Six pulls and I got absolute garbage. No featured sub pool. No champ that I could awaken with my mutant or skill gem other than Magneto (ugh!!!). No champ worth ranking to R3 let alone R4. So disappointed. I know Kabam doesn't owe me a 5* Iceman but that is pretty discouraging. Thinking that one may have pushed me into retirement.
Went for carnage x2
And AA X1
I got carnage/BP/BP CW.
Wish I hadn't have gotten Carnage now...
It might push players to retirement soon until unless more 5* shards availability sooner.
I've opened 9 5*s (3 featured) and have 0 dupes so far so you might have to wait a while on those dupes lol.
I can't complain too much though as I did get iceman.
Duped SL, HE, and Spidey... I have opened up my wallet recently
Hope your next pull is fantastic!
Dude. If you think those are great champs you are clearly new to the game or misinformed. Obviously SL is good but he was already duped and a 40 sig increase is not worth 30k shards. The others are mediocre at best and I would not R4 any of them, especially unduped.
Haha hard to argue with that. I don't think I would have much sympathy either. Any sympathy that it was 90k and nothing I can take to R4?
Although lots of people would kill for those SLs, but yeah I understand the disappointmoint with duping him again.
I might be the only one who feels this way, but Lady Thor is actually strong. She can stun lock an opponent who has a shock on them and can stagger opponents to stop them from receiving buffs. Once she's awakened she auto crits every hit on an opponent who is stunned. She's really underrated.
Magneto is not terribad either, he can reduce metal enemies ability accuracy, survive specials, and does energy damage on his basic attacks. He has some utility.