What makes people lose interest with this game?



  • Cranmer00Cranmer00 Member Posts: 527 ★★
    Connection issues and RNG..

    The rest is mostly whining...

    Content isn’t usually a problem unless you’ve had bad RNG
  • _I__I_ Member Posts: 306
    at level 60 getting 3* champs is redundantly monotonous.not getting anything but xp boosts is another reason of loosing interest.every month new champs gets added but arena grinding remaining the only way to earn them is another reason that kills off enthusiasm as featured grinding is possible only if a player is a whale who can spend units to refresh champs or has no personal life but can stare at his ph 72hrs.besides I do not want to get tennis elbow!
    like many ppl have already repeated time n again that for same events ppl putting same efforts yet one person getting a groot n another a Mr. sinister is biased system of rewarding one's efforts. yes the shards accumulated from grinding can continue to be made rng dependent but not the events like monthly events or special events as ppl use expensive resources to 100% them. so in the name of rng doling out prefertial treatment for same efforts is off-putting.
    alliance potions not being farmable is another concern. t4bc not yielding one or at least half a catalyst is pure exploitation of players.

    ok these are a few reasons I could think of for now that kind of making me loose interest in the game. might add few more if n when I remember.
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  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    edited February 2019
    No one should get no newly released champs for a year like @DrZola has. When I have been frustrated with the game it has always been having no one I want to rank for months and months. I'd like to see a featured crystal a couple times a year with only newer champs (and with no trash lol). They could put a one purchase limit on it. Make it available with crystal shards so FTP players can get it. This wouldn't break the game. The whales are getting all the new champs anyway and would continue to do so. Others would at least know they were going to get a good newer champ to look forward to a couple times a year. This wouldn't remove the RNG aspect. It would just give those on the wrong side of RNG something to keep the frustration from reaching quit the game levels.

    Thanks for the plug, but to be fair @LeNoirFaineant I did get a 5* Sentry (Jan. 4 2018 release) once this summer from shards. And my 5* Proxima (April 12 2018 release) only cost me $99. If I’m not mistaken, she’s my most recently released 5*.

    So I’ve got that going for me... :|

    Dr. Zola
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    DrZola wrote: »

    Do you mean to say I’m not the only one who didn’t grow up playing Corvus Glaive versus Ghost on the playground?

    Dr. Zola

    Don't worry, you are not alone, I have ZERO champs released in 2018 (I have about 80 5*) and you can imagine my happiness when I found Blade on dec. 28th 2018... It was the most recent champ I've got during the last year. 2019 started a little better, got Iron Man IW yesterday and a 6* Proxima a couple of weeks ago.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    Badrose wrote: »

    Don't worry, you are not alone, I have ZERO champs released in 2018 (I have about 80 5*) and you can imagine my happiness when I found Blade on dec. 28th 2018... It was the most recent champ I've got during the last year. 2019 started a little better, got Iron Man IW yesterday and a 6* Proxima a couple of weeks ago.

    Wow. I tip my hat to you. That is actually worse than I had. It’s humbling to meet someone who is actually further out the tail of the curve than I am.

    Dr. Zola

    P.S. Glad to see your luck is changing. But to be honest, you deserve to go on a 3-4 month tear of every new champ coming your way.
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    Moving on with life
  • EasyC0EasyC0 Member Posts: 5
    I have been playing this game for about 3 years. Not the most skilled by any stretch and old enough to understand my limitations...no joke. I grew up on Marvel comics and enjoyed the game a lot. I understand business and making a buck but the continued progression towards unstoppable, unhittable, unavoidable, unimaginable (etc) opponents, coupled with consistent lag, connectivity problems (which of course is always on my end) and pathetic champ pulls from every type of crystal, is sucking the very joy out of playing. There is ZERO justification to spend anything on this game. Anyhoo, not intended to come across as a whiner or snowflake. Just stating the facts as I see them. Cost/Benefit analysis = lack of personal satisfaction
  • LethalProtectorLethalProtector Member Posts: 76
    I personally think that 1) it burns you out 2) they keep nerfing good champs 3) some rewards aren't worth the hassle. I will say my game has never ever been buggy or laggy.
  • DrPepper_75DrPepper_75 Member Posts: 126
    Check your network connection x50 a day!
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  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    The content that forces to whale out too beat it. And terrible deals.
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    edited February 2019
    Issues like the beta not working properly as well and them and their support being completely useless.

    Don't get why it's so hard to get a proper answer or a fix instead of being ignored.

    Terrible deals that are over priced.
    Content that clearly isn't ready to be pushed out and is which causes all kinds of other problems.

    Honestly I could go on and on, if it wasn't for people in my allaince I would have quit long ago
  • Ankush69Ankush69 Member Posts: 21
    In my opinion following things ..make players lose interest:
    1. Those who don't have much time for arenas and also don't spend..lack behind a lot , at least those who are uncollected.. should have some better rewards in arenas
    2. Connection issues/lagging/crashing:
    3. I don't play arenas much..but whenever I do..I just get kicked out of arenas every 6-7 matches.. that's so much frustrating
    3. RNG especially in crystals which can prove to be game-changing as well eg. 6* crystal ..it has useless champs like Gamora , Hulkbuster, dpxf etc. And game-changing champs like corvus , Domino .Even that legendary crystals..those getting all **** 4* and some getting god tier 5* like Emma, Domino, AA etc.
    4. Rewards not being updated regularly considering the difficulty being Enhanced and game being evolving..they can give full t2a for logging in for can't even give half for 100% UC EQ .AWs have become too much tough now..but rewards still kinda the same for an year
    5. Also .. new content generally just focuses towards..end-game players which are 5% or may be less..of the whole player base.
    6.Lack of in-game communication between player base and kabam developers..u just post things on Forums , very less things are even told in-game like SA rewards delay wasn't answered in-game
  • AdiMukh555AdiMukh555 Member Posts: 756 ★★★
    Bad RNG for a long time maybe lol
  • The_WatcherThe_Watcher Member Posts: 148
    I thought I would make a discussion here about what is making this game lose chunks of it's player base. This isn't a bash kabam thread or "it's pay to win thread". Just what is making you lose interest.

    Me personally it is how the game seems to be "breaking" in it's core mechanics. From last two updates basic controls such as parry, block and dexterity aren't working to the ability they did when I first started playing like 10 months back.

    Blocking/ parry: I have found more and more how my block just breaks or my character just doesn't block when I am pressing on the screen. This causes death in so many aspects in the game and more importantly war. Blocks dropping and parries not registering causes so much frustration in the game and I am seeing lots of people in my alliance showing this same frustration.

    Dexterity: since this last update my dexterity has really been a miss. Dexing out of attacks but still being hit by them just leads to confusion and creates a toxic feeling for the game.

    These basic mechanics are the fundamental part of the game and with them acting up so casually now, it is making the game more irritating than annoying.

    I love this game and happy spend money on it and would happily keep spending but having internet issues every fight and having block dropping meaning more potions is just making me lose interest.

    I really hope this can get fixed and can look forward to playing this game for the years to come.
    Phone info in case interested:
    Huawei P20 light
    WiFi and data used
    On most up to date Android update
    Had phone for 10 months and use it for very little other than this game.

    Thank God I'm not the only one with parry and dex problems.
  • SwansongSwansong Member Posts: 40
    Everything in this game goes to pot after every new update.Bugs lag drops things just not working properly. This forum shows so much evidence that it is irrefutable.One has to wonder how much care / pride is taken by these people in their work or is it just get it out and we will deal with it later( or perhaps not). All I can say is that asa contractor if I was to dish up jobs with this many problems my clients would be telling me where I could put my Invoices.
  • Nabz034Nabz034 Member Posts: 221 ★★
    I thought I would make a discussion here about what is making this game lose chunks of it's player base. This isn't a bash kabam thread or "it's pay to win thread". Just what is making you lose interest.

    Me personally it is how the game seems to be "breaking" in it's core mechanics. From last two updates basic controls such as parry, block and dexterity aren't working to the ability they did when I first started playing like 10 months back.

    Blocking/ parry: I have found more and more how my block just breaks or my character just doesn't block when I am pressing on the screen. This causes death in so many aspects in the game and more importantly war. Blocks dropping and parries not registering causes so much frustration in the game and I am seeing lots of people in my alliance showing this same frustration.

    Dexterity: since this last update my dexterity has really been a miss. Dexing out of attacks but still being hit by them just leads to confusion and creates a toxic feeling for the game.

    These basic mechanics are the fundamental part of the game and with them acting up so casually now, it is making the game more irritating than annoying.

    I love this game and happy spend money on it and would happily keep spending but having internet issues every fight and having block dropping meaning more potions is just making me lose interest.

    I really hope this can get fixed and can look forward to playing this game for the years to come.
    Phone info in case interested:
    Huawei P20 light
    WiFi and data used
    On most up to date Android update
    Had phone for 10 months and use it for very little other than this game.

    Very good question...

    For me its that there's no quality content to clear. The Love/Battlefield and Captain Marvel quests were completed in the first week.

    They need to drop either Act 6 or something like a new Variant quest because there's nothing left to complete.

  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    The unknown algorithm that determines what champs you get from the 5* and 6* crystals can be very upsetting and cause some to quit.
  • DrVD99DrVD99 Member Posts: 71
    There is so much wrong with the game that Kabam will not fix. That why you should be free to play only. Or spend a little.

    I feel sorry for the whales cos Kabam is laughing all the way to the bank.
  • KickNatherinaKickNatherina Member Posts: 157
    edited February 2019
    ITT: people complaining about literally everything wrong with the game.

    I think the only thing deterring about this game is the lack of balance in characters, and the almost unwillingness from Kabam to buff heroes. I used to play DOTA2 competitively - (if you’ve never heard of it, just google dota patch notes.) In that game, which was regarded as one of the most balanced mobas out there, plain and simple because of the amount of counters each character had, but also things that each character directly did to counter other characters. They would balance the entire game almost bi-monthly. This game has too much of a tier system, and it renders some of Marvels core characters almost completely useless. (Colossus, Magneto, Deadpool to name just a few.) Kabam is fine buffing 2 characters per quarter and this is just disheartening. I understand the structure behind not making money balancing old characters... but man, it takes a lot of fun out of the game not being able to progress without having a set group of characters - most of which I don’t even like (Blade, Ghost Rider, Domino, Emma Frost.)

    Not to mention DOTA 2s player base spends MILLIONS of dollars on the game annually because of how competitive the game is due to shear balance. Look it up - they have the highest grossing (crowd funded and not) tournament payout of all sports. Not to mention, the game is F2P.

    I’d be more inclined to spend money on a game where I feel I am getting my money’s worth. Even if it still has the gambling aspect of the game.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    ITT: people complaining about literally everything wrong with the game.

    I think the only thing deterring about this game is the lack of balance in characters, and the almost unwillingness from Kabam to buff heroes. I used to play DOTA2 competitively - (if you’ve never heard of it, just google dota patch notes.) In that game, which was regarded as one of the most balanced mobas out there, plain and simple because of the amount of counters each character had, but also things that each character directly did to counter other characters. They would balance the entire game almost bi-monthly. This game has too much of a tier system, and it renders some of Marvels core characters almost completely useless. (Colossus, Magneto, Deadpool to name just a few.) Kabam is fine buffing 2 characters per quarter and this is just disheartening. I understand the structure behind not making money balancing old characters... but man, it takes a lot of fun out of the game not being able to progress without having a set group of characters - most of which I don’t even like (Blade, Ghost Rider, Domino, Emma Frost.)

    Not to mention DOTA 2s player base spends MILLIONS of dollars on the game annually because of how competitive the game is due to shear balance. Look it up - they have the highest grossing (crowd funded and not) tournament payout of all sports. Not to mention, the game is F2P.

    I’d be more inclined to spend money on a game where I feel I am getting my money’s worth. Even if it still has the gambling aspect of the game.

    Not sure why this was flagged, other than the first line, which is pretty vanilla. There can be a lot of baseless whining around the forums.

    More importantly, the point raised is one that’s pretty central to game design: keep it balanced. Maintaining counters, tradeoffs and alternatives prevents games from becoming lopsided and stale. But it also requires a keen eye for strategy.

    My 4+ years playing leads me to believe the MCoC designers don’t spend a lot of time these days strategizing about balance.

    Dr. Zola
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian
    DrZola wrote: »

    Not sure why this was flagged, other than the first line, which is pretty vanilla. There can be a lot of baseless whining around the forums.

    More importantly, the point raised is one that’s pretty central to game design: keep it balanced. Maintaining counters, tradeoffs and alternatives prevents games from becoming lopsided and stale. But it also requires a keen eye for strategy.

    My 4+ years playing leads me to believe the MCoC designers don’t spend a lot of time these days strategizing about balance.

    Dr. Zola

    DOTA's player base and MCOC"s playerbase aren't identical: they've self selected for certain kinds of game properties that mean while I would say that DOTA's developers are far better at balancing their game than MCOC's developers are at balancing theirs, DOTA has several advantages over MCOC that make that task far easier. The most important of them is that DOTA is, in fact, primarily a competitive game at its core, and its players *expect* balance to take priority over just about anything else. That means DOTA can change anything they want, in any way they want, in the interests of competitive balance, and their players will tend to go along with that. MCOC isn't primarily a competitive game, it is a collectors game. MCOC's developers do not have the same latitude to make changes purely for competitive reasons.

    To be blunt, DOTA can straight up remove a hero if the developers think it is in the best interests of game balance. MCOC cannot do that short of literally being ordered to do so by God. DOTA is focused on the gameplay itself, with the heroes being only components to that gameplay. Gameplay is supreme, heroes are just the means to deliver that gameplay. MCOC is focused on collecting champions, with the combat and activities being the means to provide those champions with utility value. Champions are supreme, and the gameplay is just the means to make them interesting. This may not seem like it should matter as much as it does, but it does. It isn't too far away from the truth to say that this distinction is a kind of religious distinction. It is the foundation of the values system of the two development groups that decides what's possible and what's impossible, what's a priority and what's not, and how the business decides what to put into production and what not to.

    Religion is axiomatic. Every business has business axioms that you can't argue with, and this includes game development companies. And everyone that has ever worked for a large enough company knows what I'm talking about. Some things you can do, some things you can't do, and some things you can't even talk about doing, because no one will talk to you about it.
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