Should Kabaam give Courage a display icon when it’s activated?
Masteries such as Courage and Inequity, don’t have a display icon during a match. So that forces us, the player, to assume that the game mechanic is activated when those requirements are met. But instead of the player assuming, perhaps a visual cue such as a Display Icon, would be a better idea. What do you think, Kabaam should do?
Should Kabaam give Courage a display icon when it’s activated? 70 votes
With all the new buffs and passives, it can be tough to keep things straight. About a month ago, I fought a Heimdall on a funky node with my Void. Between his buffs and passives and my IP debuffs, resonate weakness, parry stuns, Fear of the Void passive, and whatever the node was, there was 10+ icons to monitor on Heimdall's side alone. I'm not sure adding more icons to older content is going to warrant the potential headache.
I thought adding the numerical percentage to the life bar was a welcome addition. I think that's enough to keep an eye on for things like courage and assassin.
Sorry for going off topic but why is the vote % adding to 99% and not 100%?
^That. Another icon would only clutter things.
Well ever since dungeons came back my game crashes every fight no joke and is almost unplayable so just think of one tiny little thing that could possibly make the game crash
This is a joke btw for u uptights