Arena Cutoffs Are Better Without Bots, But...
Kabam, what are you going to do to address the problem with arena piloting? The cutoff score for featured champs is still very high with people getting paid to play all day on other’s accounts to grind for the featured champ as opposed to spending on units to refresh their top teams for points themselves. Think about how time consuming the arena system is with it’s broken help request feature. This problem makes it feel like even more of a waste of time when scoring 30+ mil and not getting a champ.
some are banned for a week,
some are banned for a month,
maybe a one week ban 1st time but will be a longer ban if caught again.
and once an account is banned once it is watched really really closely after that.
so you cant expect to get away with it after u get caught once.
This is just the same old argument when 4* Featured and Basic arena cutoffs were too high.
As proven by history, short of introducing a 6* Featured arena, nothing will alleviate the cutoffs because there ARE legit people who are willing to grind for 3 days straight to get a champ.
No cutoff will matter because from SOMEONE onwards, they will have to lose.
As a guy that's grinded arenas for 4 years I can most certainly say that when caps were raised # of required fights went down. You can't go by scores as we were able to rank more and grind more with larger rosters. So yes increasing the # of winners does lessen the grind pretty substantially.
True. Rosters are getting more efficient at scoring arena points but that is compensated by the rising cutoffs.
The only reason why 4* champs have very low cutoffs now is because not many people are interested in them anymore, and the bracket is so huge.
If we were to remove 5/6*s from the game, do you think that 4* cutoffs will continue rising even if the bracket is expanded?
Yes cutoffs will rise because rosters increase and rankings will increase which will increase the scores. You can't go by scores you have to go by how many fights it takes. If we got rid of 5*/6* the cutoffs wouldn't be 63M for a 4* as only 150 people were even able to get that high. 183 for 52 or 53M so 400 was probably 40-45M. If you know the ceiling is 40-45M for most people you will feel comfortable stopping at 50M. I've pretty much won every arena in the last 3 years and when they increased the cutoffs scores went down. Even months later as cutoff scores increased the # of fights it took to win the champ was still less than the top 200 at the time when it was increased to 400.
It would be better for kabam in many ways. First. People won’t grind so much. Less units. More apt to buy. Second. Less complaints to deal with. Third. Less unbalanced player pool. The guys who use bots or have people play for them help them get scores like 60 mil. That’s a lot of units from battle chips. The ones that use it not only get the champ. They get units to buy stuff to level em quick. You end up with a group with all top tier and a vast difference to legit player levels. They end up cleaning up in wars and AQ. Then the gap gets even wider.
Plain and simple. Make the arena champs available for all players. Add to milestone rewards.