Tips for UC Hyperion with Aspect of War?

Anybody have any tips for this guy on UC Chapter 3.2? He's really starting to annoy me. I can usually play ok around AoW node, but with Hyperion and his power gain, I find it quite tough. I'm also really struggling to intercept him for some reason, might be his animations or something but I keep missing it and getting wrecked.
I have a 5/50 Magik and LC and have been getting some success with them (seems to really depend on the AI's play style - sometimes with Magik I can't even get her to her L2 before he gets to his L3). My 5* I've tried are DV (mild success), CG (not good), Void (ok), Archangel (not good).
I think I've resolved myself to bringing in Magik or LC as a sacrificial lamb to take Hype down as far as possible and then just finish him off with somebody else. The rest of the quest is fairly easy so it's not a huge deal.
Intercept his heavy i.e the video above.
I also had fairly good luck with Hood/stagger.