Defeating thanos

I tried to defeat thanos and I got killed my team consist of three 4 stars at rank 3 which are Luke cage, green goblin, and the hood and I have 2 3 stars maxed out which are deadpool and falcon
All misplaced jokes aside: a little more info on how you/they got k.o.-ed would help in giving you some advise.
Your Hood 4* rank 3 hood is your best bet ... just sounds like you need more practice ... he should be able to crush Thanos without any difficulty ..
keep practicing .. and be patient ... story content isn't going anywhere .
Dr Voodoo-4*
last one I don't remember
if ur still at the point of using 3*, might be worth ranking up a couple of 3* gods to do the trick.
got any of these fancy new champs.
got a capIW?
got a domino?
got an Aegon?
got a medusa?
it is real easy to get and rank 3*.
but really maybe u just need to pracitce and get a little stronger
i was suggesting 3*. clearly 3* aegon would work.
and besides he has a persistent combo.
it would build and build from the previous fights
Quite simple.
Block at the best time.
When someone is coming at you wait until you block.
Try and time your block so that your block comes up fully at the same time the attacker hits you.
“Well timed block”
Every champ will have a little bit of uniquness to the timing due to attack and blocking animation differences.
Search youtube for dorky dave.
Watch his dork lessons.
How to be a ninja.
Best vids you will watch
Well you need to get dexterity as well then, you’ll get nowhere fast without the parry and dexterity masteries and you’ll struggle no matter what
Good work, glad to help!
You need parry + dexterity. There's a lot more to be gained from masteries but those 2 are essential.