Is the AI sometimes too fast against the players?

Here is a GIF in slow motion of a fight with Ghost against Ghulk. As you can see, it looks like the enemy is able to block IMMEDIATELY after hitting me (on my opinion, he didn't even complete the movement of his 2nd hit) What are your thoughts?
Here is the first link:
if it doesn't work, try this one:
PS: I didn't know if I should flag this post as Bug, but I find it very annoying, specially in war!
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious help me! 😂
PPS: Sorry for the low quality of the Gif, I didn't record in HD
Here is the first link:
if it doesn't work, try this one:
PS: I didn't know if I should flag this post as Bug, but I find it very annoying, specially in war!
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious help me! 😂
PPS: Sorry for the low quality of the Gif, I didn't record in HD
Some fights their reaction time is completely insane and are blocking from impossible positions and when they shouldn't be able to.
Some fights the ai is easy then others it turns into a nightmare with insane read and react times, sub 1sec. They could be on the ground and up then block your attack or rush across the map and hit your before you are ready or if you went to far and need to rush forward, or block you in the middle of a special etc.
Wish they would actually look at it instead of ignoring it, but whatever it is what it is
In some games every single thing that happens is forced to align with animation ticks. Time is sliced up in 33ms intervals of time and things happen and are seen as happening at the same moment. If the game "lags" the event scheduler and the display engine are delayed identically. But not all games are like this, and this appears to be one of them.
I don't have direct knowledge of how MCOC's engine works, but from what I've observed playing the game it seems to be consistent with games that work that way that I'm aware of.