In-Game Name: Joker7346 Device and model: iPhone 6 Device OS: 12.1.4 Cellular & Wi-Fi: Both Game Version: 21.3 Game Mode: Story Quest - Act 4.3.4 & 4.3.6 Descroption of issue: The game crashes/ shuts down when i get ambushed by an adaptoid and when i try to press fight it closes the game on me. The game works fine in other parts of such as arena or the monthly quest but 4.3 is bugged i believe but only when fighting an adaptoid
In-Game Name: RARA_ANZAI Device and Model: IPAD AIR2 Device Operating System: iOS 12.1.4 Cellular or WiFi: Both WiFi and celullar Game Version Installed: 21.3 Game Mode: Story Quest Act 4 Description of the Issue: Everytime there is an ambush symboid, the game crashes. I have tried to reinstall the game but crashes still happened. Wasted a lot of energy refills but still could not complete the chapter because ambush symboid keep on crashing the game!
In-Game Name: M.Chi3f Device and Model: IPhone 6 Device Operating System: IOS 12.1.4 Cellular or WiFi: WIFI Game Version Installed: 21.3 Game Mode: Act 4.3.3 Description of the Issue: When I go on the act 4.3.3 with some champions it bug (like SL and Archangel) but with my other champions sometimes it goes. The problem occurs at the 4th fights when I arrive on the ambush (symbiotic) and when it functions, it passes this fight and go directly on Drax without stopping (as it should do) on the ambush. On android, it works even with the ambush .... it's painful, I lost too much objects and energy ... compensation !!!!! (sorry for my english.. I'm French)
In-Game Name: Survivor-108 Device and Model: Iphone 6+ Device Operating System: iOS 12.1.2 Cellular or Wifi: Both Game Version Installed: 21.3 Game Mode: Story Mode - Act 4.4.6 (Culmination) Description of Game Issue: When I go either left or right of the first split in the quest, there is an ambush on both sides. When I try to play against the ambush, the game crashes. I have tried multiple times and I used different champs. I completed the straight path.
In-Game Name : Pooly21 Device and Model: iPhone 6s Device Operating System: iOS 12.1.4 Cellular or WiFi: EE Game Version Installed: 21.3 Game Mode: Alliance War and Event Quest Master 3.1 Description of the Issue: Lagging really bad in alliance war wile I was fighting Gladiator Hulk mini boss. Lost half my health on my killmonger. Trying to get the fight done. Lagging ridiculously wile I was trying to fight 5 star sentinel in master 3.1. Now we can’t even log onto the game to fight the boss in Alliance War.
In-Game Name : Jason26~1 Device and Model: iPhone 6s Device Operating System: iOS 12.1.4 Cellular or WiFi: Both Game Version Installed: 21.3 Game Mode: Story Quests, every symbiot ambush in Act 4 Description of the Issue: Can not progress through Act 4 chapter 3.4. When ambushed by a Symbiot game crashes every time. It’s been doing this for the last 3 weeks. I’ve wasted a ton of energy and time on this. And it’s been a known issue to your guys for awhile and it’s said “the next update will fix this issue but it doesn’t. I feel your support team is basically useless for this issue considering how long it’s been an ISSUE. Needs to be FIXED and plays need to be COMPENSATED. Come on Kabam, really great game but I’m loosing interest if I can’t progress in it.
Thank you for the reports everyone! Please note that the 22.0 update included the below fix. If you have any additional reports and have updated to the 22.0 version of the game, please use the new performance threads at the top of the bugs and known issues section.
• Fixed an issue where some Ambushes were causing the game to crash for some Players
Device and model: iPhone 6
Device OS: 12.1.4
Cellular & Wi-Fi: Both
Game Version: 21.3
Game Mode: Story Quest - Act 4.3.4 & 4.3.6
Descroption of issue: The game crashes/ shuts down when i get ambushed by an adaptoid and when i try to press fight it closes the game on me. The game works fine in other parts of such as arena or the monthly quest but 4.3 is bugged i believe but only when fighting an adaptoid
We all are lagging behind because of this..
Need compensation
Device and Model: IPAD AIR2
Device Operating System: iOS 12.1.4
Cellular or WiFi: Both WiFi and celullar
Game Version Installed: 21.3
Game Mode: Story Quest Act 4
Description of the Issue: Everytime there is an ambush symboid, the game crashes. I have tried to reinstall the game but crashes still happened. Wasted a lot of energy refills but still could not complete the chapter because ambush symboid keep on crashing the game!
Device and Model: IPhone 6
Device Operating System: IOS 12.1.4
Cellular or WiFi: WIFI
Game Version Installed: 21.3
Game Mode: Act 4.3.3
Description of the Issue: When I go on the act 4.3.3 with some champions it bug (like SL and Archangel) but with my other champions sometimes it goes. The problem occurs at the 4th fights when I arrive on the ambush (symbiotic) and when it functions, it passes this fight and go directly on Drax without stopping (as it should do) on the ambush. On android, it works even with the ambush .... it's painful, I lost too much objects and energy ... compensation !!!!!
(sorry for my english.. I'm French)
Device and Model: Iphone 6+
Device Operating System: iOS 12.1.2
Cellular or Wifi: Both
Game Version Installed: 21.3
Game Mode: Story Mode - Act 4.4.6 (Culmination)
Description of Game Issue: When I go either left or right of the first split in the quest, there is an ambush on both sides. When I try to play against the ambush, the game crashes. I have tried multiple times and I used different champs. I completed the straight path.
Device and Model: iPhone 6s
Device Operating System: iOS 12.1.4
Cellular or WiFi: EE
Game Version Installed: 21.3
Game Mode: Alliance War and Event Quest Master 3.1
Description of the Issue: Lagging really bad in alliance war wile I was fighting Gladiator Hulk mini boss. Lost half my health on my killmonger. Trying to get the fight done. Lagging ridiculously wile I was trying to fight 5 star sentinel in master 3.1. Now we can’t even log onto the game to fight the boss in Alliance War.
Device and Model: iPhone 6s
Device Operating System: iOS 12.1.4
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 21.3
Game Mode: Story Quests, every symbiot ambush in Act 4
Description of the Issue: Can not progress through Act 4 chapter 3.4. When ambushed by a Symbiot game crashes every time. It’s been doing this for the last 3 weeks. I’ve wasted a ton of energy and time on this. And it’s been a known issue to your guys for awhile and it’s said “the next update will fix this issue but it doesn’t. I feel your support team is basically useless for this issue considering how long it’s been an ISSUE. Needs to be FIXED and plays need to be COMPENSATED. Come on Kabam, really great game but I’m loosing interest if I can’t progress in it.
• Fixed an issue where some Ambushes were causing the game to crash for some Players