Crazy to not take Sparky to 5/65?

I understand sparky is one of the best if not the best champ in the game and I have him at 4/55 and recently duped him. Am i crazy to not take him to rank 5? I dont enjoy playing him that much with the ramping up his poise charges and I have a 5/65 corvus for clearing paths easily. My other options would be quake, iceman, gwenpool or hoping for a good six star when i get 1k more shards.
My biggest goal when ranking champs to 4/55 and above is filling holes in my roster. If you are super comfortable with Quake or Iceman, then by all means go for them. Same with waiting for a 6*.
There are no more rank down tickets, so you have to be willing to accept that once those t5bc are gone, they’re gone for good.
Iceman : triple immunity and his coldsnap is funny and try to place so many as possible
GP : grit high and bleed, her armor break is just WOW
Quake is a little diff. her playstyle is mostly charge heave and parry.
still fun and does massive dmg.
Altho for end contest most wud pick spark, iceman or GP
Quake is still good but doubt for end contest
I also have Quake and Iceman at r4. Not sure if I'll r5 either, but it's possible. Both awesome champs.
If you hate using him rank someone else but I’d give him a few more test drives before you decide.
Lets talk about an Iceman boss. Due to spark miserable health he will die from coldsnap alone. My SL stays and survive with 20 percent health. For you to use spark you need to triple buff him 😂
This is the skill required to play with SL. Legends play with SL. Children play with whatever else.